Simpson's Buffet Table

Jun 19, 2017 16:06

1.Sweet, nourishing gruel!
2.You mean I shaved my bikini zone for nothing?
3.Pain is the cleanser, pain is the cleanser!
4.Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me.
5.Oh, why does my death keep coming back to haunt me?

6.Bed goes up, bed goes down, bed goes up, bed goes down.
7.Sweetie, you seem blue. Did the last of something die?
8.Bye, witches! Thanks for not eating me!
9.For lucky best wash use Mr. Sparkle. He banishes dirt to the land of wind and ghosts!
10.My demons and I are closer than ever.

11.Fighting only makes it tighter.
12.Why do people run from me?
13.You're like my mommy after her box of wine.
14.So... do you like............ stuff?
15.What is your fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery?

16.The dead have risen... and they're voting Republican...
17.I can't believe it. Jerry Springer didn't solve our conflict
18."Maybe there is no moral to this story."
"Nah. It's just a bunch of stuff that happened."
19.Do you even remember when you lost your passion for this job?
20.Yeah, yeah, get in the bowl.

21."In case you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic."

"Well, duh."
22.That oughta hold the little S.O.B.'s.
23.Mmmmm... forbidden donut...
24.And now, what we all came here to see - hardcore nudity!
25."Homer, is this how you pictured married life?"

"Yeah, pretty much, except we drove around in a van solving mysteries."

26.Woohoo! I'm drenched in blood!
27."I can't believe he acted completely in character."
28."Dad, we did something very bad!"

"Did you wreck the car?"


"Did you raise the dead?"


"But the car's okay."

"Uh huh."

"Alright then."
29."What's the point of going out? We're just going to wind up back here anyway."
30."As usual, a knife-wielding maniac shows us the way."


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