Dia de los Muertos

Nov 07, 2021 00:39

Last night I had a dream where I was a mutant, and I used my psychic powers to pick up trash from the streets and didn’t even care if someone saw me doing it. I was studying in Xavier Academy, and I got along well with the other mutants. This girl had birthmarks on her body, and she had gotten tattoos to cover them. I also had a dream where I wanted to go looking for geocaches in my parents’ neighborhood, it was a bright summer day. In the dream, it suddenly turned into a winter night, and there was a subway line on the road. I also had dreams of the PC game Halloween Harry.

I woke up very early in the morning and got up to take my morning meds and biotin supplement, and had some cocoa. Then I went back to bed. I woke up later, and got up to have more cocoa.

I got up before midday, and changed from my nightie into a bathrobe. I changed the towels, bagged the trash, took the sheets off my bed, and scrubbed the toilet bowl.

I brushed my teeth, applied basic lotion on my skin, did the morning skincare regiment, and got dressed.

I swept the floor and tidied up the bathroom.

I left and took out the recycling. I went to the supermarket to buy two packets of dish rags, and then I went to the stationery shop to buy two greeting cards; one is Congratulations for the retirement card for Mella, and the other is Get well soon card for a friend who broke her leg.

I took a bus downtown and noticed that the part of the town looked like the one from my dreams; it even had the same Lego shop. I walked to the culture center, there was a Dia de los Muertos celebration.

After leaving, I went to the subway station and caught a subway and the same bus I had arrived with into my hometown.

Once back home, I washed a load of linen.

In the evening, I left again and took a train downtown; I was supposed to go visit Mirette, but plans changed. I visited a few shops, and then I took a bus, a subway, and a bus back home.

Once back home, I wished I had taken a train, because it was getting pretty late. I mailed a couple of cards.

I took my evening meds, washed three loads of laundry, and then i did some stretches, planking, and yoga.

I brushed my teeth, did the evening skincare regiment, put on a fresh nightie.

I have made the decision to play Free Rice every day until the application crashes ^_^

I have noticed that my personality has changed. I no longer care about if the way I am sitting on a bus bench offends some people, and I also no longer feel anxious every evening. It¨s actually kind of good.

Tomorrow I will see my mother at the shopping mall, we will go buy a new pair of winter boots. After that, I will go visit my parents; they will give me the weekly allowance. I will make the weekly phone call to my granny.
As for the money, I will buy Christmas cards.

geocaching dreams, real life, housework, x men, shopping, culture center, dreams

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