Jan 01, 2018 00:05
I will go to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. I will work out by the following routine; do stretches for every part of my body, and hold each position for two minutes. Then I will work out my butt, thighs, tummy, back, and arms. Then I will use the exercise machines. Then I will walk on the treadmill for at least an hour at maximum.
I will visit (art) museums more often, at least one every day.
I will take more walks and bike rides.
I will buy at least one item of clothing from my favorite clothing shops like Monki, Hennes & Mauritz, Gina Tricot, or Indian Bazaar, or a piece of jewellery from Glitter, or a gift for Zoya.
I will renew my natatorium membership card, and go there at least once every week.
I will do the Korean 12 step beauty routine once a week.
I will do one kind act at least once a day for someone else than myself; if I cannot do it to a person, I will, at least, pick up garbage from streets and take discarded trolleys back to supermarkets, shovel snow and break ice on streets.
new year