OUAT fic: One Foot in Sea (Hook/Ariel, chapters 1-2 of 11)

Feb 06, 2013 20:02

Title: One Foot in Sea
Author: Katta
Total word count: 55,000+ words (in 11 chapters)
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time, The Little Mermaid (book)
Pairings: Hook/Ariel, Hook/Emma, Hook/various others
Rating: I honestly don't know if this is a PG-13 or an R...
Summary: Lost in a magical storm, the crew of the Jolly Roger fish up a half-drowned girl from the sea. Though Hook doesn't yet know it, this will affect his life in years to come.
Authors notes: This story was started after Tallahassee and tweaked to fit Queen of Hearts, but hasn't been tweaked after that, so it's firmly AU by now.
Despite the names Ariel and Erik, this is based on the fairytale version of The Little Mermaid, including the unpleasant bits. I've also used quite a few pirate names from Peter Pan, though I've taken some liberties with their personalities.
There are direct quotes from Pippi Longstocking (in translation) and Pirates in the Deep Green Sea. Careful readers might also notice allusions to various HC Andersen tales, other fairy tales, Diana Wynne Jones, Michael Ende, Martin Ljung, C.S. Lewis, Dick Francis, and probably someone else I've forgotten.
Thanks to Nell, Becca, and Roseveare for the beta!

Chapter 1 on Ao3
Chapter 1 on ff.net

Chapter 2 on Ao3
Chapter 2 on ff.net

(Formatting was so much trouble that I gave up trying to post directly to my journal. Sorry!) This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/608023.html and has
comments there.

one foot in sea, once upon a time, fic

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