Yuletide fics: The Winter Wall + Three Men and a Chance at Love

Jan 02, 2013 20:15

Now that the Yuletide cat is out of the bag (poor dear, let me get it some shrimp), it's time for me to link to my stories, and also to wax lyrically about the fandoms, since I couldn't do that while I wrote.

Main story: The Winter Wall
Fandom: Back Home - Michelle Magorian
Summary: The beautiful winter weather gives Rusty an idea for a Christmas present for her mother.
Word count: 3547

Thoughts: I was first introduced to Michelle Magorian's work as a kid through the radio play of Goodnight Mister Tom, and then for years I sought out every book of hers I could find in translation. To this day, she remains one of my favourite authors of children's fiction, especially with WWII era books. Back Home is one of her best books (I'd say its my third favourite after Goodnight Mister Tom, and A Little Love Song), but also the most unrelentingly heartbreaking. While it does have a happy ending, and some moments of kindness before that, it can pretty much be summed up as "Rusty is having an awful time of it for 300 pages."

Writing a happy, fluffy, post-novel fic for Rusty and her family felt great. I did worry that I'd overdone the sweetness level, but at the same time, I wanted that girl to have all the sweetness in the world.

Jadelennox and bookelfe gave me great beta, though neither one had read the book and the English version I mooched never arrived, so the whole fic is based on the Swedish translation.


Pinch hit: Three Men and a Chance at Love
Fandom: Three Men and a Baby (and Three Men and a Little Lady, though that wasn't requested)
Summary: Although Michael was the one who went to clubs and had been known to march in parades, Jack was the one who initiated the actual flirting, delighted at the opportunity to try something new. He was also the one who roped Peter into it. Quite possibly Peter would have lived out his entire life in middle-of-the-road, no-experiments heterosexuality, had not Jack been there to convince him otherwise.
Word count: 3539

Thoughts: I didn't have much time for pinch hits after I finished my main story. This was the second offer I made (I've already forgotten what the first one was), and my happiness to get to write it became even greater when I quickly rewatched the movies. Bookelfe helped beta this one as well, and had to cope with my sudden influx of fannishness.

As I've said to a couple of commenters, I hadn't realized just how easy writing polyamory fic for these films would be! I remember seeing Three Men and a Little Lady in theaters when it came out. I don't know if I'd already seen Three Men and a Baby then, but if I hadn't, I saw it soon after. And while I'd watched the movies since, I'd still watched them with my kid glasses on. Changing them to my adult glasses made for a pleasant surprise. (It also meant I had to get the bit about HIV testing in there, because I was there for the 80s, and "you'd have to be a social secretary to keep track of all his women," when paired with BABY, constitutes risk behaviour, yeah.)

Also, I was reminded of how much I love these films - well, at least the first one, and the bits of the second one that aren't godawful. I was way too young as a kid to find these guys hot (maybe Michael, a little bit), but I adored them, especially Tom Selleck, and that adoration came right back.

And if you can resist this (crappy singing and all) you're made of stronger stuff than I:

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This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/606099.html and has
comments there.

back home, three men and a baby, michelle magorian, three men and a chance at love, the winter wall, yuletide, fic talk

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