movies suitable for kids

Jun 03, 2011 18:01

Just waved goodbye to my sister and her family, who have been here for a few days.

Yesterday the kids wanted to watch a movie, which caused some problem, since they're 7, 5, and 2½, respectively. The youngest wanted The Lion King. (Which I think is pretty scary for his age, but he'd already seen it, so I figured it was okay.) The middle one wanted Atlantis. The oldest thought all this cartoon stuff was too childish and started to look for a suitable live-action one from my collection, which wasn't very easy.

Pirates of the Carribean? "Maybe in a few years, honey, it's quite scary."

Harry Potter? "No, I don't think so, not just yet."

Narnia? "If it was just you, I'd let you watch the first one - not the second one - but I won't with your brothers here too."

The Matrix? "No, that's for grownups."

Mirrormask? "Well... no." (In addition to being for older kids, it's also not dubbed.)


I have never understood quite so clearly what my friend Gunnel (who's about my mother's age and used to be a film censor) meant when she claimed that "Some not-for-kids movies are more not-for-kids than others." :-)

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