some Game of Thrones thoughts, up to ep 7

Jun 02, 2011 20:40

Fun summation of recent (ep 7) events on Game of Thrones: Introducing: Stupid Ned Stark. Which, yeah. I get being honourable, but when you know the people around you are snakes in the grass it might be nice to take that into consideration.

Also, while we're on the subject of people in over their heads:

There's a huge discussion going on over at TWoP (I don't participate, but I don't have any GoT comms on my flist so I need to read opinions somewhere) about whether or not the portrayal of the Dothraki has racist overtones, which, um. I mean, I can understand being so fond of the books that you see your own image from the books onscreen regardless of what actually is on screen, but still, seriously? This is a question?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I quite like Khal Drogo. He's certainly no more unlikeable than most of the other characters, and quite a bit hotter. But he's still kind of problematic considering the following combination:

1. I named him "King Exotipimp" after the first episode, and it is rather striking that the only prominent PoC is a half-naked, pierced warrior king with heavy makeup.
2. He has no comprehension of the kind of scheming that's going on concerning the Iron Throne, or indeed of what the throne is, but will throw himself into the action anyway.
3. Because his pretty little silver-blonde wife wants him to, and she's the "moon of his life" and, along with her baby, his primary motivation.
4. His way of throwing himself into the game involves swearing to rape all the women of the seven kingdoms and take all the children as slaves.
5. He'll do this (for his pretty blonde wife) even though ships are totally scary wooden horses and against his Dothraki religion/superstition.
6. Which also includes pregnant women eating a raw horse heart to make the child strong.
7. Apart from that speech, he has barely spoken during the whole season, and certainly not in any scene that doesn't involve Daenarys.
8. While the Dothraki are apparently based on the Mongols, the scenes are filmed in Morocco, raising the question of where the hell the pseudo-Berbers and pseudo-Moors are in all this.

I'm trying not to fall into the fallacy of assuming less clothes means a lesser culture, because I know that's not true. But still, when the show portrays white pseudo-Europeans (despite their general evilness) as the most rational, cunning, cultured, and literate people of the pseudo-Middle Ages, I have to wonder what the hell it's on about.

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game of thrones, race, tv talk

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