30 days of female awesome, Day Eleven: Favorite female character in a children’s show
Lynda Day from Press Gang
Oh, please, like this could ever be anyone but Lynda Day. :-) Of course, calling PG a children's show is pushing it a bit - that's certainly how it was marketed, but it was a lot smarter and more mature than many grownup shows I watched back then... or now, for that matter.
I've already
summed up my feelings for Lynda Day as my favourite female character in the general TV meme, so this time I'll let her speak for herself, by gathering up a top-ten list of my favourite Lynda Day smackdowns. (And thank you, Press Gang Programme Guide, for helping me!)
Julie: You're late.
Lynda: You're fired - I win.
Spike: You don't happen to be jealous of a girl I've never even met, do you?
Lynda: Of course I'm jealous, Spike! I wish I was the girl you'd never even met!
Lynda: See where it says 'ruler'? That's who it belongs to!
Lynda: Tell Geoff both his articles are completely lousy and he's on window-cleaning duty till he shapes up.
Julie: You didn't even read them.
Lynda: But my windows need cleaning, OK?
Lynda: Look, I do care... but to be perfectly honest with you I don't care a lot. You had a choice. You took the drugs. You died. Are you seriously claiming no-one told you it was dangerous? Pardon my saying, but it takes a lot to convince you there's a health risk... I mean, have you had a look at the world lately? Just how dumb do you think it is safe to be around here? There's plenty of stuff going on that kills you and you don't get warned at all, so sticking your head in a crocodile you were warned about is not calculated to get my sympathy. You're dead, and I do care, but you were weak and stupid and you made a bad choice. And actually that isn't a crime. It just happens to have the death penalty.
Sarah: Believe it or not, there are still one or two things which happen in this world which have absolutely nothing to do with Lynda Day... *Heads for the door, but stops.* And this isn't one of them. Can you explain to me how I just argued myself into doing what you wanted me to do in the first place? You are a devious, unfeeling, calculating, manipulative bitch!
Lynda: Well, you were asking what made me a better choice for editor.
Lynda: You just tell that little creep that if he lands us in court over this I'll sell him to a glue factory!
Lynda: Let me be totally clear. You sweat, you make sucking noises when you breathe, and your body odour is even now rotting my nasal lining.
Angelo: See how you excite me?
Lynda: Die!
Lynda: Graham, what the hell is this supposed to be? I told you I wanted five hundred words maximum! I said I wanted facts, not theories! I'm absolutely sick of your pathetic inability to follow the simplest, the most basic intructions! One thing I've always wondered about you, Graham. When you wake up in the morning, how do you tell?
Kenny *whispers something in Lynda's ear*
Lynda: Well, which one is Graham?
Not!Graham: He's in hospital.
Lynda: What are the visiting hours?
And as number one, the entire Crazy Stuff scene from Bad News:
Click to view
Also, while I'm at it, here's a repeat of my Lynda Day tribute video:
Click to view
Day Twelve: Favorite female character in a movie
Day Thirteen: Favorite female character in a book
Day Fourteen: Favorite older female character
Day Fifteen: Favorite female character growth arc
Day Sixteen: Favorite mother character
Day Seventeen: Favorite warrior female character
Day Eighteen: Favorite non-warrior female character
Day Nineteen: Favorite non-human female character
Day Twenty: Favorite female antagonist
Day Twenty-One: Favorite female character screwed over by canon
Day Twenty-Two: Favorite female character you love but everyone else hates
Day Twenty-Three: Favorite female platonic relationship
Day Twenty-Four: Favorite female romantic relationship
Day Twenty-Five: Favorite mother/daughter and/or sister relationship
Day Twenty-Six: Favorite classical female character (from pre-20th century literature or mythology or the like)
Day Twenty-Seven: A female character you have extensive personal canon for
Day Twenty-Eight: Favorite female writer (television, books, movies, etc.)
Day Twenty-Nine: A female-centric fic rec
Day Thirty: Whatever you’d like!
This entry was originally posted at
http://katta.dreamwidth.org/534950.html and has
comments there.