30 Days of Female Awesome: Day Two

Dec 18, 2010 15:04

Day Two: Favorite supporting female character

I should not do "30 days" type of memes when I'm in the process of switching jobs/moving. Especially not with Yuletide in the mix.

Anyway, that's not the only reason Day 2 is late. Another is that... well, this question is just impossible. There are so many more supporting characters than main ones, and I tend to prefer the supporting characters anyway, especially where women are concerned. (Sassy best friend, anyone?)

So I kept waffling between a whole number of them: Little My, Diane Hughes, Anne Steele, Maxine Grey, Joy Lass, Caroline Forbes... Finally, I decided that since my only reason against her was that I've already said all I needed to say, the answer will have to be

Anne Steele (AKA Lily, AKA Chanterelle, AKA Sister Sunshine) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

My long ramble about Anne.

What I love about Anne is that there is nothing that forces her to be a heroine, nor is she particularly well suited for it, yet in her own way, she is one. She's not physically or intellectually or supernaturally impressive. She could have chosen, after she became "Anne", to keep working as a waitress, sort her own life out, and this in itself would have been a satisfying ending.

Yet, two and a half years later, she's running a shelter, she's competent and pragmatic and carries respect. Three years after that, she's the one to bring home the show's message in her final conversation with Gunn.

I love her for the same reason my favourite characters in Lord of the Rings are Merry and Pippin - she would be expected to stay out of things, yet she took on her calling for no other reason than because the work needed to be done.

She's also the legacy of the title characters. Thanks to them, she is still alive. Thanks to her, any number of people are still alive - not to mention have food, clothes, and places to stay.

She's the girl without a destiny or atonement or even a star-crossed romance, fighting (in her own way) as if she had one.

Interview with the actress, just because. :-)

The Rest

Day Three: A female character you hated but grew to love
Day Four: A female character you relate to
Day Five: Favorite female character on a male-driven show
Day Six: Favorite female-driven show
Day Seven: A female character that needs more screen time
Day Eight: Favorite female character in a comedy show
Day Nine: Favorite female character in a drama show
Day Ten: Favorite female character in a scifi/supernatural show
Day Eleven: Favorite female character in a children’s show
Day Twelve: Favorite female character in a movie
Day Thirteen: Favorite female character in a book
Day Fourteen: Favorite older female character
Day Fifteen: Favorite female character growth arc
Day Sixteen: Favorite mother character
Day Seventeen: Favorite warrior female character
Day Eighteen: Favorite non-warrior female character
Day Nineteen: Favorite non-human female character
Day Twenty: Favorite female antagonist
Day Twenty-One: Favorite female character screwed over by canon
Day Twenty-Two: Favorite female character you love but everyone else hates
Day Twenty-Three: Favorite female platonic relationship
Day Twenty-Four: Favorite female romantic relationship
Day Twenty-Five: Favorite mother/daughter and/or sister relationship
Day Twenty-Six: Favorite classical female character (from pre-20th century literature or mythology or the like)
Day Twenty-Seven: A female character you have extensive personal canon for
Day Twenty-Eight: Favorite female writer (television, books, movies, etc.)
Day Twenty-Nine: A female-centric fic rec
Day Thirty: Whatever you’d like!

This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/524295.html and has
comments there.

30 days of female awesome, angel, tv talk, meme

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