..WTF does Twilight *do* to people?

Dec 06, 2010 22:02

I shamefully admit that I've downloaded Eclipse out of sheer fangirl curiosity, and jumped to a Riley scene.

Well. I still stand by my icon.

Do I ever.

Xavier, all due respect, was godawful. I honestly cannot believe that it's the same actor. I mean, what the everliving fuck?

I have no idea what happened. Did the director tell him to be this terrible, or did he go, "I'm a vampire, therefore I must suck"?

I can't even blame the writing, because even though those lines were nothing to be proud of, I could have delivered them better than he did. Besides, it's not like Newcastle was all that well written. So I can't even write off The Loved Ones as a fluke (or as the ability to do better without dialogue), because clearly he knows how to work with material that isn't all that.

So what is this nonsense? And does he really expect it to forward his career? (Which, in a perverse way, I still hope it does. I'm pathetic.)

This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/523686.html and has
comments there.

film talk, celebrities

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