My computer got frelled yesterday, which is entirely my own fault - I've been using the power button way too often. Oh well. I just handed it in to the computer place, and they said they might get it fixed in two weeks or so. So don't count on me much for the next two weeks (And of course I can't fic or see any new stuff. Drat.)
I tried to warn them that my hard drive is kind of crammed, but I think they misunderstood. Anyway, I guess I could tell them not to backup all my stuff, except I'm not Miss Organized and don't have unnecessary things all in one place. If I tell them not to bother about videos, it means also losing several WIPs where subbing and vidding is concerned, as well as all my coming vidrecs, and of course I don't want that.
In other news, actually having to watch actual TV yesterday, I caught the tail end of
City of Borders, a super-interesting documentary about the queer community in Jerusalem. As they pointed out, the only thing the Muslims, Jews, and Christians in that city can agree on is to make life harder for the gays...
I was kind of wryly amused at the anti-Pride person who claimed "Not even animals do that!" (about gay sex). Hi there, I have a book on evolutionary biology you might want to see. Maybe then you'll be grateful that, unlike sea slugs, queer people are very unlikely to have sex in a long conga line where every individual penetrates the one in front... :-)
Tomorrow I'm going over to P's to finally show her the latter bits of DW season 5. She's been in the US and at Pride and doing everything except seeing the show. Showing her all that awesome again may also serve to help me forget my computerless state.
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