*reading Supernatural spoilers*

Sep 11, 2009 13:40

I'm... not sure I can finish my crossover? I mean, it's not all that hard to rewrite a plotline after the fact, like I'm doing with the Buffy s5 story (when I'm writing it, which is once in a blue moon), or to be jossed, or even to write a story simultaneously to a season when the story deviates a lot from the season, as I did with What Country, Friends, Is This? But I'm going to have to write the same basic plotline as the show, with HUGE deviations in the specifics, while the show is running. That's gonna feel majorly weird.

OTOH, I'm 12000+ words in. It's not like I want to stop writing either. And I did know about this going in; it's not like I seriously thought I could finish before the new season started.

supernatural, fic talk

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