New icon, because I love this particular bit of Reaper theology. :-) I rejected "All gay demons go to heaven" since that hasn't been canonically proven (though there's certainly hope for Tony) and "Good gay demons go to heaven" because, while more correct, it leads the thought to "good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere," and that's not quite what I'm aiming for. So this will have to do.
Also on the theologically awesomeness front, I love
this scene. It's completely irrelevant to me whether this is the writers doing Bible slash or not - either way, the thought that no human love is as pure as what the Devil felt for God is really great. Especially since Ray Wise is Ray Wise and absolutely brilliant.
Oh, and how brilliant is it that Tony believed there's no forgiveness for demons and he rebelled against the Devil anyway?
Seriously. This show improved so much at the end of the season.