random ramblings, mostly on television, and a poll

Jan 26, 2007 20:01

It occurs to me that it's been a while since I said intelligent things about television. Unfortunately, I'm not going to do it today either. Besides, I tried to download the latest SPN ep and it turned out to be an evil virus file, and now I'm downloading a new version and am very pissed off at not getting to see the new ep yet.

Actually, that's a lie. I'm mostly happy. I have new boots and they're pretty warm and fuzzy, so I've walked around for two days going "My feet are warm, la la la!" all the time, which is something you can really only do when you've previously had the same boots for six years and they're falling apart.

So. Television.

I did like last week's Supernatural rather a lot. Mostly because it was creepy, which the eps are usually not. Also, Conchita Campbell rocks my socks, and I liked that the ending wasn't "burn the bones, next!" Most of my favourite ghost stories don't have unambiguous happy endings. I actually just re-read an old favourite a few days ago, or a version of it. It was the story where a girl with a black velvet band around her neck turns out to have been guilliotined the day before. That story is one of the main reasons I'm still freaked out about beheadings, and why I damned nearly walked out of the theater while watching Sin City.

Wow, this really is rambly. And not entirely television-focused.

Since I still insist that Sam is Venturus, it was quite interesting to realize that Pullo from Rome is so very much Erskine. Well, except shorter. I think I need to make an animated icon with all seven Archer's Goon siblings, except I still haven't figured out GIMP animation. Drat.

Monday's Heroes was good too. My love for Nathan is strong, and I have no idea why there's so little Hiro slash, because he's married to Ando and has a weird fanboy crush on Nathan and has some very interesting chemistry with Isaac too. Sure, there was Charlie, who was fabulous, but she's dead, so not much going on there.

Note to self apropos Heroes: I should not make a Peter Petrelli vid to "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better." I really, really should not.

Am still being a total masochist, not only watching the Young Riders but also still reading the Rider Reviews. At least I can try placating myself by muttering, "Yeah, yeah, as if Jack Harkness wouldn't totally pwn Jimmy Hickok in a fight" whenever the RR get too infuriating.

What? He would.

Okay, okay, let's poll on it.

Poll Harkness vs. Hickok

I so need to stop hurting myself like this, don't I?

Also, since I'm on the topic of the Whoniverse (kind of), let me very belatedly say that I loved Donna. I think her guest spot was really well thought out - half the viewers are going to be all in a snit about "replacing" Rose, so what do they do? They bring in a loud, abrasive, ignorant, unpleasant person, and have the Doctor inviting her to the TARDIS. The conclusion is obvious: he's so lonely he'll invite anyone. Lot less pressure on Martha all of a sudden. At the same time, Donna has enough good sides that it's not just lonelines - she'd make quite an interesting companion. It makes me wonder if that was what they were going for with Tegan.

Speaking of which, I'm kind of wondering if it was a mistake of me to try to watch the Fifth Doctor eps Tammy sent me before I go on to any other old-Who stuff, because now I haven't watched for months. I mean, yeah, I like Five well enough, but the companions are boring me to tears, and considering that I could have Leela or Ian-and-Barbara or Jamie-and-Zoe or all the companions I haven't seen yet like Liz and Jo and Ace, maybe I'm being an idiot.

the young riders, supernatural, doctor who, archer's goon, torchwood, rome

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