on fans' names

Jun 14, 2006 19:38

I got involved in a tiny little discussion in fabu's LJ about the extent to which fans use their real names online. I was surprised by the other person's assumption that it pretty much doesn't happen (I was called "a rarity"), because I know the names of quite a few of you, including some people I don't talk to much.

Of course, I don't know that I know the names of people I haven't met - I mean, I can guarantee that nfalkestav has been using the same name since she was 13, but for all I know davidbrider and janedavitt and the others may be lying.

But assuming for a moment that they're not, I know of some people who have their names or part of their names as their handle, a bunch more who use their names for fics, and even more who use their names for e-mail. (I can't think of anyone on the Press Gang Mailing List who goes by pseudonym, for example.) I'm not saying it's a majority or anything, but not a rarity either. But of course, I might be blind to the overwhelming anonymity because I'm not anonym myself.

So, I thought, poll time!

Poll What's in a name?

Of course, this poll is still in no way representative, since it'll pretty much only be people I already know answering it. Still, it might give me a hint about how far off base I am.

poll, meta, fandom

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