Whiskey tango *foxtrotting* foxtrot?

Feb 15, 2006 06:23

Yesterday, I got a very weird review of my Avonlea story Part of How Life Goes. Despite the link, you don't actually have to read the story to get the review - it's enough to know that the story does not feature a clock, nor is there any instance in which a clock ought to be featured.

The performance of the Shortt clock was overtaken as quartz crystal oscillators and clocks, developed in the 1920s and onward, eventually improved timekeeping performance far beyond that achieved using pendulum and balance-wheel escapements.
Quartz clock operation is based on the piezoelectric property of quartz crystals. If you apply an electric field to the crystal, it changes its shape, and if you squeeze it or bend it, it generates an electric field. When put in a suitable electronic circuit, this interaction between mechanical stress and electric field causes the crystal to vibrate and generate an electric signal of relatively constant frequency that can be used to operate an electronic clock display.

Quartz crystal clocks were better because they had no gears or escapements to disturb their regular frequency. Even so, they still relied on a mechanical vibration whose frequency depended critically on the crystal's size, shape and temperature. Thus, no two crystals can be exactly alike, with just the same frequency. Such quartz clocks and watches continue to dominate the market in numbers because their performance is excellent for their price. But the timekeeping performance of quartz clocks has been substantially surpassed by atomic clocks.

WTF doesn't even cover it. It's obviously not a review in any other sense than that it's put inside a review box on ff.net. I guess it could be called spam, but spam with what purpose? If they're trying to sell something, they're certainly going about it in a very roundabout way...

feedback, stupid people

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