fanwork for charity?

Jul 03, 2004 10:54

So, I've been thinking. fan_the_vote worked pretty well; it raised about $6,000 for Kerry, plus all the money for MoveOn. Not much compared with the entire campaign, sure, but still quite a bit of money. And over at som_pos we managed to raise enough money for the cartoonist to quit his job - I think it was $22,000 or thereabouts.

Now, on fan_the_vote you could choose to give money to regular charity if you were a foreigner, and that's a part of the process I think could still go on, preferably indefinitely. So how about it? What I'm thinking of is a challenge community where people write or do art on request, and those who requested it give a certain sum to Amnesty International, The Red Cross, Medicines sans Frontieres or some other organization like that.

Even the people who were worried about the legality of fan_the_vote should be okay with this one, because it'd be unpolitical, and I'd like to see the copyright holder who'd consider it a good reason for lawsuit. (Can you *imagine* the bad publicity?)

I'd be more than willing to set up the community and gather links to different organizations. I just want to know first if anybody would be interested in joining up.

fandom_charity, fan_the_vote

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