*sigh* great.. what else??

Jan 10, 2008 21:25

so... Have you ever heard of Shingles?
Well, up until last night I didn't know much about it.
Apparently, we are all born with the herpies virus in us. Chicken Pox? Yeah, that's actually from the herpies virus. Shingles, you can only get if you
have had Chicken pox before. They say what happends is if you are under a huge amount of stress and your immune system is weak, then you can get shingles. Shinges comes in the form of a very irritating rash. It can form
anywhere on your body. I've heard of people getting outbreak all the time, or those who never EVER have a breakout. Once you have a breakout though, you are prone to get them again. Sorta like those wonderful UTI's. And let me tell you from FIRST hand experience.. It BURRRRNNNNSSS!!! Odd part is that I found out when I was a baby i had mouth sore's all the time. today my mother told me that I have "Mouth Herpies". Odd.. didn't know a baby could get those. I do remember seeing baby pictures with sore's on my mouth though...

Who has shingles that prompted me to write this? ME.YEP..
I mean, those who know my life know it's not exactly stress free. lol. but i
didn't think it was THAT bad!!

Is it contagious? Well, according to the website, Shingles is not contagious nor can it actually be spread. However, If i were to go around someone who has NOT had chicken pox, then they stand a chance of getting it. But there's more. In order for me to do that, like herpies, you would have to touch the infected area. heh. seems my husband is the only one who will be touching that area so i don't really have to worry (go ahead, let your mind wonder!)

To treat Shingles, is like treating Herpies. They use the same medication; Valtrex. My doctor let me know this thankfully BEFORE I saw it on tv and had to ask if indeed I did have Herpies. The answer is no. He said that some people are able to fight it off. other, are not so lucky. Is this serious, yes, but it could be MUCH worse.

Did I get it somewhere? According to my doctor, NO. This is mainly a stress induced reaction. Great. Stress. lol, yeah..

So.. right now, at least for the next few days before the medication gets into my system, I am to stay away from any child 12 months and under. Elderly. Prego women and in general, those who have NOT had chicken pox. FUN HUH??? I start babysitting on monday. lol. I told her mom the issue's and she said "ehhh. it's chicken pox. I'd rather she get it now before she starts school. lol " I love her.. lol.

ok.. I'm done. I do have more updates on dr's and such but i'm not really in the mood for an update right now...
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