Episode title: Kin-san’s Kintama
Source of subs: HorribleSubs
Episode summary:
Kintoki attacks Tama in a dark alleyway and badly damages her. Gin-san arrives in the nick of time, rips Kintoki’s kintama out, and beats him up. While Kintoki is disoriented, Gin-san hurriedly carries Tama to Gengai to fix her, but doesn’t manage - Tama shuts down. Meanwhile, Kintoki has recovered and strikes back - he convinces everyone that Gin-san was the one who attacked Tama and starts a massive search campaign for Gintoki.
Kintoki: ‘This isn’t a matter of honour or reputation. I’m willing to use any dirty tricks to chase him down so I can avenge our friend.
Meanwhile, Gintoki is at Gengai’s place and has a heartfelt conversation with the old man, in which we find out that the lack of understanding about human emotions will be the cause of Kintoki’s downfall. Gin-san heroically goes away to fight for the hearts of his friends.
At the same time, while the search in Kabuki Town continues, everyone is behaving in a very silly manner. Tojo attempts to search cosplay cafes, but Katsura managed to get there first...
Katsura: ‘I have witnessed the shame of the Yagyuu!
Tojo: ‘Uh, you’re the one who should be ashamed!’
Katsura: ‘A true warrior would send his leg hair flying for a friend!
Tojo: ‘You won’t get him! You’d only get a UMA that way!’
Random girl from Hyakka: ‘Boss, we found someone!’
Tojo: ‘Wh-what?!’
Tsykuyo: ‘Well? Interested in working in Yoshiwara?’
Tojo: ‘He landed someone! He landed someone completely unexpected!’
Even Tojo is shocked at how weird everyone is behaving, but Otae explains that everyone feels there is something off with Kintoki’s request to help him find the enemy. Gintoki appears like a hero in the rays of the sun, everyone looks at him with amazement.
But they soon snap out of it and attack Gintoki. He rides away on Sadaharu’s back, Katsura tries to arrange pursuit. Well, sort of...
Katsura: ‘He’s running straight through enemy lines?!’
But actually it is just a decoy, the real Gintoki is trying to run away via rooftops, but there he is accosted by Tsukuyo, Kyuubei, and Sarutobi. They end up fighting, but somehow Gin-san saves their lives and gradually they start remembering their relationship with Gintoki. But then Kintoki appears and wants to put an end to the situation. However, now Tsukuyo, Kyuubei, and Sarutobi, despite still being confused, decide to trust their feelings and defend Gintoki.
Episode discussion:
And once again, Katsura is turned into laughing stock, cue facepalm. I suppose we should be happy that he appears in the series at all, but it would not hurt if he were serious for once...
Well, what we learn from this episode is:
Katsura takes crossdressing very seriously, he even shaves his legs for it . So that once again proves that he is a master of disguise and one of the reasons why the Shinsengumi can never catch him is that he pays attention to details and makes his disguises so perfect that even the prostitutes from Yoshiwara can’t tell him apart from actual women.
Also, as we already know, Katsura values friendship very highly, he would do anything for a friend, even shave his legs and dress as a flight attendant. Although I suspect half of it is that he wanted to help a friend, and the other half is that he enjoys dressing up XDD
And it’s nice to see that Katsura still likes animals, his first thought was about Sadaharu not getting hurt.
And it is apparent that Katsura is still very much a Joi movement leader - he managed to gather quite a number of people to help Kintoki, so we can assume that he still has lots of terrorists under his command.
Unrelated to anything, but why is Elizabeth looking at Katsura when he is shaving his legs? Is Elizabeth perving on him or something XD
Nothing else about the episode occurs to me at the moment, feel free to add your thoughts in the comments!