I say "possible fic excerpt" because I dunno when I'll get around to writing this out for real. Maybe for NaNo if school isn't eating my soul...
Also, this is from me and
apollymi speculating Teen Wolf possible time line stuff in the car driving home from dinner last night. We are the fun kind of crazy.
"So, who wants to explain this?"
The this in question was the fact that A) there was a dead Alpha on the ground practically at the sheriff's feet, B) Derek was full-on wolf-out, and C) Stiles was (as usual) right in the thick of things.
And prepared to babble an explanation. "So, Dad," he began, "werewolves are actually a thing? And that's another conversation we need to have."
Sheriff Stilinski found himself wanting to roll his eyes. "You're not a werewolf and you're not gay."
"Well, you're a quarter right. Or three-quarters? Which one is it if I'm not a werewolf but I'm bi?"
"I don't know you right now," Derek remarked casually.
Yes, crazy Katsuko does not need another goddamn fandom XD
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