Happiness ♥

Mar 22, 2012 14:51

I told myself this morning that today was going to be a good day. So far, it's shaping up to be one:

  1. I've had the usual work craziness (we have a travel authorization in limbo that we've been trying to extract - so that it can be approved and I can do the expense report for this poor girl who's waiting so patiently - for nearly two and a half weeks now, and one of our profs didn't have the money available to do his travel so we're in limbo on which funding source to use) but it's all been fairly low-key for the most part.
  2. I went to eBay to check on the shipping status of some items I ordered over the past week. The Zumba belt I ordered (as in a second belt, so that
    apollymi and I can both use the game at the same time) is at the PO Box at the MLK post office while the runes are out for delivery. I'm hoping that my inner peace meditation bracelet is also arriving shortly.
  3. Except for a very brief rain shower, it's been a beautiful day outside. We even had lunch today on the green (although, granted, that was more for our personal safety. We could have eaten in the library's Starbucks, but there was a damned good chance that the wobbly table would have collapsed out from under us and spilled soup everywhere. Outside was easier and hella pretty).
I'm trying to make sure to tick off all the good things about each day as it comes rather than dwell on the bad, in an effort to combat my natural pessimism. I'm sure some of you reading this on LJ are aware of my "everyone's a cynic" tag, and I'm trying to get away from that state of mind.

On the side of seeking my patron: things are slow. I have a relatively massive list of gods and goddesses that were suggested as places to start, and am a bit overwhelmed to tell the truth. I'm going to have to do something to break it into easier-to-handle chunks, but I do appreciate how many of you offered advice and thoughts. Currently I'm thinking that my patron hails from a possibility of four/five pantheons, and I may be mistaken but I think I read somewhere that it's possible to have more than a single patron.

So I guess for the moment, I'll try and concentrate my efforts towards those four pantheons (Egypt/Africa, Greco-Roman, Norse, and Celtic) to start and then work out from there.

Anyway, this is a bit of a babble so I'll end things here.

Quick P.S.: I'm currently re-reading through The Runes Workbook that I purchased back in 2004 shortly after moving to Florida. It's an effort to re-familiarize myself with everything since that's been (holyfuck) eight years ago now since I last read it.

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general: life: spirituality, general: babble

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