Moar Dragons!!

Jan 03, 2009 22:20

I fear there is a possibility that I might, possibly, perhaps be just very slightly addicted now. *headdesk*

First I adopted an egg that hatched into Jarhkore.

Then, fearing Jarhkore would get lonely, I adopted Lephistra.

Any help you might want to give them in growing up would be sorely appreciated. *hugs flist*

Oh, I also happened to see a shiny blue egg when I just *happened* to be wandering through the cave the other day and I couldn't resist picking that one up also. And on my way out I spied a nifty looking egg with a shield and grabbed that also. :D Then tonight I just *happened* to be walking through again and saw one that looked all rough on the outside so I picked that up also. *headdesk* (Don't worry, I have kinda-sorta banned myself from the cave until these have all hatched. *grins*)

Any clicky's you might have to spare for my wee little dragon-lets and eggs would be appreciated and make me awesomely happy. :D (I have been clicking on any and all eggs/dragons that I see on my flist, too, btw. Even if I haven't commented, lol.)

dragon eggs

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