Good Thoughts and Prayers, Please?

Jan 03, 2009 15:15

We found out last night that a co-worker of R's was in a bad car accident on New Year's Eve. Yep, you guessed it, they were hit by a drunk driver. Mike, R's co-worker, and his wife had just left the party they'd attended and hadn't even made it a quarter of a mile down the road when the drunken idiot crossed the center line and hit them head-on. Apparently this happened at the crest of a decent sized hill and they never saw the guy coming until it was way too late. Mike is in intensive care with some internal bleeding is reported to be doing all right so far. His wife is not doing as well, however, and they aren't sure she's going to make it. In addition to internal damage, both of her ankles totally shattered on impact. If she does make it, she's going to be facing months of treatment and recovery. They have two small children at home, ages 2 & 4.

Please pray for them/send good vibes/send good thoughts their way if you would.
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