Figured I should start posting my experiences with Scrying that I have been finding occuring.
Here is my first successful attempt at such an activity.
Emotional state going into Scrying:
I wanted to get the fuck away from the world. I cannot use drugs to escape due to a gag reflex that gets in the way of smoking, a reactivity to metal that gets in the way of injecting... and my liver processes things unpredicably at best. My immunal system also processes things unpredicably as well.
I am sick of people telling me how well behaved I am for not doing drugs. Drug use is not my choice--ergo my lack of drug use is not noteworthy. Much similar to Alex' lack of listening to Beethoven's fifth in the movie A Clockwork Orange. Actions without free will, are not actions to be considered at all.
My goal was to initiate a set of conditions where my mind would begin hallucinating, under its own mindfuckery.
Many people state Scrying can result in visions of things I should not know... but many people have stated that about Acid Trips. I'm viewing the results as likely similar in accuracy and condusive to anything as being on an Acid Trip.
Fuck you guys, I'm going elsewhere.
The process
I began by lighting the candle, after turning off the lights in the room. I then stared into the mirror. First watching the candle dance past the reflection of the candle. This really did not do anything. I tried setting up my Scrying mirror to make multiple reflections of the candle. This really did not work... until I noticed the flame's reflection reflected in the reflection of my eye. This level of reflections present was sufficently high of them... and two of them were based on my own biological self. All containing the candle's flame.
I start staring at the flame... trying to move towards it. It seemed so far away from me though.
It also turn out to be gnomes. Fucking gnomes... little bastards. You... you cannot know how terrible gnomes are. Unless you like know... then you know, and you'd be like fuck gnomes as well. Or if you do know, and are not like fuck gnomes, you are probably on the side of the gnomes. You fucking terrible person.
I had to deal with those bastard Gnomes before they came into this world... because they are fucking gnomes.
I considered that I might need to end my little scrying attempt early. Then I realised: this is a hallucination trip. I can control it.
I tried grabbing a sword, and throwing it at them. The sword wavered as soon as it go closed. Not able to be affective to those fucking gnomes.I cannot let the gnomes get closer.
Those bastard gnomes were getting too close to escaping the gateway. So I created a baretta standard issue, and started shooting them with hallucinatory infinite ammo.
I killed all those damned bastards that got too close to getting out. Until an Fire Ogre showed up. That is, an Ogre that is always on Fire. The Ogre ate most of the gnomes, used one of their hats as a tooth pick. Then looked at the gateway all bored. Then just walked away from the gateway. Shaking his head, that it even had the bad taste to form where it did.
Then I find I am talking to a version of myself that is perpetually on fire. Myself now dressed as the Queen of Swords outfit I designed for my own Tarot Deck. The on fire version of myself, is referring to herself as the Knight of Wands.
We are on a street... or a hallway with parking metres and parked cars. It felt like there was a black roof, keeping me from going to high up from where I was. It was the perpetual night that my dreamscape tends to be known for containing. With the stars being more indicate that there was no atmosphere with how they were showing up. The sky being a weird looking set of odd chaos.
Chaos Fire me, tended to like to joke around. Pretending that the fire hurt or was painful. Occassionally screaming at passer by people, "help, help, I AM ON FIRE! HELP ME!!!" then giggle fitting as they ran away.
Chaos Fire me, noted that I tended to be wreckless with how I did things. Noting that wind and fire can create some rather unfortunate results. Chaos Fire me also stated she kind of both existed in my head, and also did not exist in that fashion. Her existence being a complicated matter.
She confirmed, that my ability to scry was limited by knowledge on various forms of symbology in my knowledge.
I asked her if I could hug her... both of us noting that such an idea would be terrible. Then I woke up.
I was unable to scry for a bit... my left eye being too sensitive to enter into scrying. Turns out, this is something I need to build up and practice to getting able to do consistently.
Later Knowledge
It has been determined that Chaos Fire me, is a tutorial program, that has always existed--and her creation point in time is impossible to determine, as her creation point does not exist, due to have having been brought into existence at a turbulant time. She is not alive... but a shadow of what created her... without her having been created.
She appears to be a rather intricate tutorial program, designed to react to items that most tutorial programs would simply give a bad command or file name time response. Having always existed, but not being there... she was perfect for me to learn this stuff. Having been designed for my access at any point in time I might talk with her.
Her psychological profile can only be described as, "a shadow of a creator, whose existence only brings fear, hence the creator's not existing". With her understanding, that her existence is not actual existence... and more than a shadow exists. Her having indicated that the process that created her, has been disavowed as existing by her location of origin. Bringing it up, or what made her, is to be thought of as a faux pass.
fayanora has also suggested an alternative origin of Always on Fire Me... though her being a shadow and not technically alive, or anything other than a machination of something that does not exist (and never did exist) may have odd implications here.
Chaos Fire me, also indicates the notions of coming into contact with me would be a very poor idea, that has shown up in other interactions of me and the Shao'Kahn.