Haha! I have someone reading this thing besides me! It's amazing!
Hiyo, Sara. Welcome. Good to see ya. Thanks for the comment.
See what happens when you talk to other people? You get readers and fans.
Shut up, Severus, you miserable bastard. I'm still a bit irate with you about the Lance thing.
Got you off the smutty Who fic, though, didn't it?
Yeah, but... still. It was bastardous. And if that isn't a real word, it is now.
I went on Facebook, got a C4 page up there now. Randomly found this chick -
http://www.amandabutton.com/ - online, whilst looking for dolls (I'd like to get something nice for my book's pictures, y'know?) and it was loads of fun. Also, IMDB - Alice in Wonderland and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. You know, Wilder's Wonka is a really sarcastic, snarky bastard. Reminds me a lot of Snape. :muse sticks out his tongue: I mean, seriously. Just short of mean, really.
By the by, the conversation above: I had a tiny ficlet (if I have to endure Snape, you lot should at least get to read it, yeah?) that I started which is basically a collection of scenes involving myself and Snape -- or, less specifically, my muses. I had another one happen that I haven't quite typed up yet that was insanely amusing, yet shameful at the same time. It involved suicide and smutty Doctor Who fanfiction and clowns, and was insanely funny. I'll share these stories later, if you like. I'm considering opening up my Big Fish LJ as a random place to keep my writings (seeing as how InVoid died on me! Grrr!) so that I have everything online, God forbid my compie die or gets stolen or I lose everything or something. It'll have everything in it, I guess. So, links to that from now on? :D Sounds like a plan, actually! :goes about to do this thing as she said:
Later folks!
~Lady K