So... update, yeah?
Last week, I got this major plot bunny for a steampunk comic, so when I get some pages done (I'm tracing the rough sketches into simple drafts, seeing as my rough sketches were done on graph paper (GENIUS IDEA, by the way) and apparently my morale draws a line at two sheets a day, so I'm at 4/5 done right now, and then after I figure out what each character is supposed to LOOK like (besides basic body structure and facial features -- i mean, costumes, colours, accoutrements, etc., even hairdos! except for the Dread Captain Robert, lol!) I will colour them, and maybe (*LE GASP!!!* MAYBE!!!) even shade them ;) ) at any stage, if I figure out if I have a viable scanner or not, I shall scan them up and put them on deviantART (although I oughtn't because it'll ruin some plot points, but frankly, I don't give two shits -- :D I'll have artwork up!
Tony's coming to visit next-next weekend! ^-^!
SQUEE!!! I am mucho excited! *happy Snoopy dance*
Also, official clarification? Comicon panel says Artie/Claudia is SO canon so :P Fanfiction pending. Lots of lurking on facebook the last week, trying to catch a second-hand Dragon*con buzz, and I haven't done so bad with that lol. The new project is Nekocon, and I'm hoping to have a steampunk outfit finished for that. Although I really ought to watch some Rosario + Vampire to get into character for Ginei, who I'm LARPing as... >.> Ah, well. ;) it can happen.
For family night, we went to see 9 (I saw the original short movie it was based on the next day, oddly enough) and although it was really good, it was very dark. Not in a Nightmare/Sweeney Todd/Scissorhands kind of way, but a dude-this-thing-is-really-creepin'-me-out, don't take kids to see this kind of dark. Although there was an interesting input of cyberpunk vs. steampunk which I found fascinating, but I have to say that the Machine and its creations were definitely creepy. All of them. To me, anyway. But 3 and 4 were pretty gnarly :D. As was 6 -- which reminds me! I have to find out who that was... For older folks, though, I say watch it. The end is really neat; I like how they have an intelligent design explanation, which is very cool, and very awesome. Definitely something worth the money to see it.
And, from
Carmen: Bold whatever is true.
I‘ve never watched Titanic. - I've seen bits and pieces of it, which I think counts.
I’ve never read Pride and Prejudice.
I’ve never been drunk.
I’ve never played Laser Tag.
I’ve never skipped in a public place.
I’ve never sung at an inappropriate moment.
I’ve never cried over a movie.
I’ve never cried reading a book.
I’ve never cried while watching a TV show. - Doctor Who, Season 3 finale.
I’ve never owned a music player.
I’ve never made a Twitter.
I’ve never read anything by Charles Dickens. - I read A Christmas Carol once
I’ve never been in love.
I’ve never skipped school.
I’ve never owned a rabbit.
I’ve never sung solo in front of a crowd of 100+ people.
I’ve never played Guitar Hero.
I’ve never had more than four siblings.
I’ve never jumped off a swing.
I’ve never been camping.
I’ve never watched an episode of QI.
I’ve never watched a Heath Ledger movie.
I’ve never watched High School Musical. :D
I’ve never made a sibling cry.
I’ve never stolen anything.
I’ve never broken the law. - it's surprisingly easy, here in Virginia. EVERYTHING'S illegal in Virginia! :D
I’ve never jumped in the sea fully clothed.
I’ve never passed on a chain letter.
I’ve never met a celebrity. - Robert Brown counts as a celebrity, right? T-T How about Ik the Troll? They count! I know a local weatherman!
I’ve never written fanfiction. - :D
kmlsarchives I’ve never gone scuba diving.
I’ve never dyed my hair.
I’ve never had a tattoo.
I’ve never watched WWE on TV.
I’ve never taken part in a sports contest.
I’ve never been to a football match.
I’ve never danced to a Michael Jackson song.
I’ve never watched a sunset.
I’ve never played a musical instrument.
I’ve never sky dived.
I’ve never eaten fish.
I’ve never read Twilight.
I’ve never punched someone.
I’ve never swam with a dolphin.
I’ve never broken a bone.
I’ve never danced well.
I’ve never been arrested. - But I did get picked up by the cops once :D
I’ve never owned a Playstation Three.
I’ve never watched a Batman movie.
I’ve never sang at a Karaoke Night - although I have sung at parties