Rants o' Friends

Apr 07, 2007 18:58

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who endured me yesterday. It never ceases to amaze me what great friends I have.

Ok. So yesterday I spent time with a huge number of people. First Aubrey and Kinney came over to my place. Then Sue Mei and Gareth came. We entertained ourselves with some Mario party (Peach eats feet! ^_^) while we waited for others. Eventually Amanda, Nhu and Val came to join us. I totally and completely managed to mess up fast oven pizza because I am a special duck like that. Eating took place anyway while we watched the movie gamers. (@_@ I missed so many parts!) Finally around 9-ish we decided to head out to the bowling alley. I took Amanda, Gareth and Sue Mei in my car. Kinney took Aubrey. Valerie and Nhu went with their two friends.

So all was going fine and dandy until we get onto Oracle. I have my windows down, we are enjoying the beautiful weather, when suddenly we hear this very strange noise. Now note, my car isn't driving funny or anything, it just sounds a little strange.

Any who, so I pull over and low and behold I have a flat tire. That wouldn't have been so bad if the set up for the event wasn't so horrible. To start my trunk wouldn't open. Amanda climbs in my trunk and Sue Mei and I try to push and pull to get the damn thing open. That doesn't work, so we decided to give Kinney a call to get his help.

Kinney shows up and him and Gareth go all man on us. They were like, "Ladies, back away. Us fella's have got this under control. Let us prove our manliness. Har har har." Or something like that. They finally get the cover off the tire and manage to finally get the tire out of the trunk through my back car door. So yay for victory number one!

Then on to challenge number two. We find my jack, but nothing to pump the jack up with. That's helpful. We find a long metal stick that looks like it goes to an attachment. (Woot torque!) Then there is a lug nut bolt turny thingy. Low and behold the stick doesn't fit the bolty. Just my luck. So they try to fashion something out of Kinney's jeep parts and what I have. When that doesn't work so well we call Steven and him and Megan come to join the party.

We turn my jack up by hand until we can get Kinney's jack under my car. Finally up up up goes the car. By this point Gareth and Steven and Kinney have taken full man control of the vehicle and the rest of the girls are being wonderful convincing me I shouldn't kill my car. <3  David then shows up and tries to help, but there is so much guy involved already that us girls steal him instead. That and he looked horribly exhausted from work so there was no more work for him. ^_^ Any way, so the guys managed to fashion something that looked like it might turn the lug nuts. As they try they find it doesn't work so well. I guess the bolts were on way too tight. At that point I think we sort of stole Gareth away too. By this point I'm trying to convince the rest of the boys to give it up, but they had gone to war and there was no talking them back. They send us girls across the street to see if the people at the gas station can help us. Of course that wasn't happening, but we found a lot of tasty water for our hardworking boys.

When the gas station thing failed the boys finally agreed to call it so we could go do our laser tag/bowling. I wanted to push my car to feel less pathetic, but alas it was not to be. The car got parked and I brought my pink tofu home with me so she wouldn't get stolen.

We danced a lot at the bowling alley, and they did some relatively lame laser tag that made me really want to go and do paintball. Over all I had a great time, and I am very thankful to you guys for going.

For anyone who is curious, my dad came down really early this morning to help me because he is awesome. He managed to get the tire off with additional torque (longer stick = bye bye bad tire. ^_^) and I followed him over to the tire place before he took me to work. I guess the tires I got before weren't so great and were covered under warranty. So now I have four new tires! Yay! So anyone up for a trip to California? =^.^=

So Kinney, Aubrey, Gareth, Sue Mei, Amanda, Valerie, Nhu, David, Steven and Megan: Thank you. <3
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