So. I posted this on Facebook first and tagged some people who I thought might find it vaguely entertaining, but then
portableteejay said it looked like I was asking the people I tagged to get me this stuff even though I tried to specifically put in a disclaimer saying I wasn't, but he said it read like I did anyway. Then he suggested I put it here instead and that's probably a good idea because I don't even know half of you in real life so I hope no one thinks I am in fact asking anyone here to get me anything. So basically, this is my wishlist for nobody in particular (ie, myself when I manage to get some money).
1. A Jessie Steele apron. 2. A pair of '70s style lace-up
rollerskates. 3. A cupcake tin, for when I finally learn to make cupcakes.
4. An old fashioned wooden rolling pin.
Apparently, my wishlist has a theme.