Goddamn, Prop 8 passing is depressing all around.
It's depressing just due to what it is.
It's also depressing because people are suddenly blaming it all on blacks?!!! As though to counteract the sting of one kind of bigotry, the white gays have got to regain some feeling of power by
engaging in another. And it's pretty atrocious.
And it's also depressing because the attacks are of course making black people join in to the blame game and go "no it passed because you gays are racist and disorganized and didn't advertise enough in minority communities."
This is ridiculous. Why does there have to be an internal scapegoat? Why "blame" anyone? It passed and that sucks but it's not "because" of anything except the fact that we're still not at a point where everyone in America is willing to accept gay marriage. If there has to be anger, why not just be angry at general cultural conservatism and status quo and all the people who actually voted for Prop 8? There needs to be a banding together and re-grouping and gathering more people to fight for marriage equality, not alienation. Sheesh.