I only hope we'll be thoroughly ashamed in 30 years' time

Sep 30, 2006 00:11

Well, by now we've all heard the great news about the current regime's latest bid for the history books: our government can now torture and detain without trial people they define as "enenemy combatants." Oh, it's still illegal to do anything that would constitute a "grave breach" of the Geneva convention, but we get to decide what's "grave" or not, and obviously lesser-breaches, such as drowning people and bringing them to the brink of insanity through sleep deprivation are a-ok. Oh, and we can wiretap anyone we want now, without a warrant. Wheeee.

I'm not posting this just to complain, though. Or rather, I am, but I want to complain a little more substantially. I'm urging everyone else on my friends list who cares about this at all to take action. I don't really care what, but something. There are protests being planned for October 5th. If you can make it, do that. Or organize your own protest. Or pledge not to re-vote into office anyone who supported the bill from your state, and let them know so immediately.

I don't want this to fade away. I don't want this to be dismissed as something someone else will deal with. I don't want us to shake our heads, think "that's terrible!" and then turn back to Project Runway or America's Top Model and let this be swallowed, accepted, forgotten. I don't want us to sanction the torture and unconstitutional detainment and murder of people just because these are people we're never likely to see.

Here is the list of all the congressmen and representatives in the House who voted for the bill. Here is the list of all the Senators who voted for the bill. I think it would be really great if we could email every single person who voted in favor of this bill and express our disgust, multiple times if possible. Me, I'm planning to spam their mailboxes. It's petty, but I don't know what else to do.


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