TV Love

Sep 24, 2008 19:28

Random blather about the new season of shows.

Dr. Horrible
Ok, so this one's not TV (but it should have eps on every single night, dammit!) or even really new (what's a couple months, really?), but I wasn't on LJ for this at the time (Sammy sadface), so please, indulge me:
*cough* Um, yeah, that pretty much covers it.
*cough* Ok, really, I'm done now...

I'm not going to recap the premiere in detail. kroki_refur is so many billions more genius than I at that, so if you haven't yet (heathen!), go to her journal and read hers. Now. Seriously. I'll wait.
Just a few quick points (WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Season 4 Premiere):
- Overall: A few quibbles, but absolutely loved it! I've missed this show so fucking much!!
- Bobby Singer wins all. *nod*
- Kripke, there better be eps with Sam manpain over the past 4 months coming soon or I'm so hunting your ass down to lock you in my basement and make you listen to Manilow and shit until you fix it. now.
- Epic Winchester hug! FTW! Kripke, I'm all conflicted about you now...
- Oh wait, you burned out the awesome Pam's eyes. It's so on! Yes, it was a neat effect, but, why, you magnificent bastard, why? Why must you destroy all awesome guest characters?
- Sam Powers!! OMFGYAY!! In that case, Kripke, I'll hold off on the Manilow, for now. But you're still on probation.
- I'm probably going to be wrong, but I'm convinced "Ruby" is actually Lilith. If so, this is gonna get awesome...
- Speaking of awesome: Castiel! \O/!! I'm a little nervous about how this could go, but I have faith in Kripke & Co to pull this off, so, Yay! It was really well played, too! I've been hoping for a cool angel angle for a while now, so I did a major happy dance. (This seriously messes with the epic length fic I've been working on for like forever, but I think I've got a neat way to rework it to not only tie it in but make the fic a lot better. I've been having a lot of fun with that, but it means the fic post is going to have to be postponed even longer. Sorry M&M!)
- It's almost Thursday again!! *happy dance*

Terminator: TSCC
LOVED the premiere. Slightly less thrilled with the last two eps. Giving it time, though.

Some things bug me with this one, but I'm really intrigued and think it has a lot of potential. I'll keep watching to see where it goes. I don't know anything about the books. Anyone else watching this one?

Haven't seen last night's ep yet - it's DVR'd. I'm going to watch is later tonight. This is another one that's on the potential list right now. What do you guys think?

Ok, I love this show, but it drives me absolutely nuts, too. The premiere was really fun to watch. I just need to stop thinking about, you know, like the plots and characterization and little things like that. (Marsha's totally gonna throw something at me any minute now...)
Random points (Contains SPOILERS for Eps 1 & 2 and previews):
- Future!Peter is an interesting story kink, but as usual, he's a total screw-up. *sigh*
- Claire & Sylar scenes: OMFG! Seriously creepy, and very interesting! And, now Claire's whole new levels of messed up, which, Yay! (Let's just pray she's smarter this season than last...)
- Nathan finds God? Um. Yeah, just um. Linderman back in the mix, though - love.
- Niki/Tracy? Freezing people power? I got nothing. (Mini point: Is it a sign that I've reached whole new levels of geekdom when the first thought that went through my head upon seeing the Governor character and Niki/Tracy/whatever was, "OMG, it's Captain Sheridan!" *facepalm*)
- Hiro & Ando: Yes, yes, you're both total idiots, but I still heart you so!
- Mohinder: Yes, yes, you're the biggest freaking moron ever, and I still don't heart you no matter how gorgeous you are. Writers kill him soon, please, Y/Y? Gee, I just invented an experimental serum (in like 30min no less). I think now I'll run out to a random vacant dock area or whatever and dramatically contemplate throwing it into the river (bc I couldn't simply destroy it in the lab or anything rational like that and the river really needs more stray needles in it to boot), and then decide to inject myself with it right then and there, and on top of that genius maneuver, my brilliant locale choice means I can pass out and awake to a mugging... *headdesk*
- Why am I watching again? Oh yes, level 5 escape scene helps. Yay! Among them, Frances Capra (yay!), but with Peter inside him (meh - and how does that work again? - wait, that sounds much dirtier than intended *giggle*) , so, um, neutral then? Still, cool scene and potential, though, mostly cuz I kinda heart Elle like a ton. And, because...
- The return of Noah Bennet in Full Badass Mode?? Oh, hell yeah!!!
- Promise of Bennet + Sylar in preview? \O/!!!! Oh yes, I totally gotta keep watching now...

OK, this concludes my random, rambly TV blather for the evening. :)

dr horrible, terminator: the sarah conner chronicles, heroes, trueblood, fringe, supernatural, tv slave

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