Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2013 20:55

Happy 2013 Everyone!

2012? I kind of don't miss you. Though, I did buy a house and I love my home, quirks and all. I love my neighborhood, despite the slight stress of not knowing quite how to say thank you for all the wonderful ways my neighbors think of me and help out. That is really a good stress to have, all things considered.

And the ward has started to back off a little bit. Which is good, as I was honestly collapsing under the strain. And I still feel guilty about drawing up some mental boundaries for in the future, but I'd done it anyway.

2012 was also a year where I went through one of the worst patches of depression I can remember. Not the worst, as I'm pretty sure the worst was the year I had to build the chicken coop. And that's all I'm saying about that. But this was a really rough couple of months.

Things are better. The sun is coming back, and apparently I need more sunlight. I know that now for next year.

2013 has started with ... a fic. And I think I'm slightly feeling guilty because it is a fic, and not some original masterpiece that I should be writing. Because, come on, Kat, writing fic isn't really legitimate. But! It is an epic and awesome fic, and I love it. And the sheer fact I am able to write again at all has me all but dancing in the streets.
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