Spiders scare the holy begeezus out of me!

Apr 26, 2010 20:05

There's a really big, really ugly, really dark and scary spider on my ceiling.  I am quite panicky.  And it knows.  It knows very well that I'm scared of it and it's taunting me.  It knows that I want it dead.  It scuttled across the ceiling and is hiding in a crack where a light fixture meets the ceiling.  It's now peeking out and we're having a stare down.  It's not brave enough to come out and face death yet.

I'm so bloody petrified.  I know very well that I'm exponentially bigger than this hideous eight-legged monster, but when it's on the ceiling, it has the advantage.  I'm so short that I have to stand on a chair and wobble precariously on tiptoe to even reach the ceiling, which makes delivering forceful, death-wielding blows difficult.

I'm trying to psych myself up so that when it emerges (it keeps peeking out) I can act decisively and ruthlessly.  But I'm so damn freaked out right now!

Help me f-list!  Encouragement, battle strategy, tips on arachnid killing implements, motivational speeches-- all welcome.  Die, you cursed evil thing, die! 


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