Holy frak-- please don't kill me with your backpack!

Mar 27, 2010 18:50

I got my face slammed into a bulkhead today.  It hurt.  A lot.  A particularly oblivious passenger ignored that I was standing there helping a first class passenger and proceeded to push by me with her backpack of evil strapped to her clueless back.  My face was absolutely smashed between her enormous backpack and the bulkhead, knocking my glasses askew, ripping out my earring, scraping my cheek, throwing my entire jaw out of whack, and knocking me so hard that my teeth were vibrating for twenty minutes!

To passengers traveling with large backpacks-- I beg you, please, be aware of how much space you take up with that monstrosity strapped to you.  You cannot squeeze through small spaces.  And please, don't smash your poor innocent flight attendant's face into the wall.  It really hurts.  Okay?  Thanks. 

plane insanity, irl

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