Jan 26, 2006 22:44
Whoa, I think I just got an anxiety attack, although I seem to be getting them more often lately, it's so hard to breath, shut up you emotions, sometimes it's like I just made the wrong choice...did the wrong things, but I guess I need to learn to live with my choices and respect them even if they were the bad ones.
So last night was probably the best night EVER. Period. Chelsea, Nick L., Jenny and I went to meet Joey Jerimiah and Snake of Degrassi fame...HOLY CRAPY fucking awesome. They were really funny, they talked about like, their lives since Degrassi "School's Out" and what it was like to work on the show in the late 80's and what not.
Pat M was all "I was walking down the street one day and this 300pound woman hangs out her car window yelling 'JOEY JERIMIAH, you're my bitch'"...oh it was awesome...and the short film Stefan made about the crack addicted fan...shit good times...I love you Degrassi.
I got a picture of them with Chelsea, and then I got another on my phone, it's now my wallpaper! SWEET...I know..And I was wearing my Degrassi shirt with Joey Jerimiah on it! This was like, one of those nights that was actually in comparison to MSI at Babylon awesomeness...I know, crazy eh? So I think I'll wrap this up.
If you want to hear about the weekend see Chelsea's post. Yea, that sums it up, sweet, pantless o'clock!
I miss you cupcake.