
Aug 15, 2013 02:27

Got Obsidia (my warlock) to level 90 tonight! Yay! That makes, let’s see…*mumbles and counts on fingers*…a grand total of TWO level 90s for me!

Yeah, I’m a slacker.

But yay, all those extraneous Kirin Tor rep thingies that I sent to her from my main paid off. She bought an epic belt that requires Honored, plus the epic shoes from the Sha of Anger quest, so…yeah, her ilvl is still too low for heroics, much less LFR, but at least I have a second character at max level, which is more than I could say a day ago.

I probably won’t do much with her, since 5.4 will be out fairly soon with plenty of new things to do on my main, but I was pleased. I still have a DK, hunter, priest, paladin, and boomkin in the level 85-86 range that I could level, if I’m feeling bored/ambitious… Bleh.

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