
Nov 16, 2008 12:09

After a couple more days of playing the WoW expansion, here are a few more thoughts.

First, DING! Skarlette is now level 72.5. (I'll have to update my icon when I hit 80, but in the meantime it'll just have to be outdated.) ;)
I've finished all of Howling Fjord (except for one group quest and one that I hear is bugged.) I've dabbled a bit in Dragonblight, doing some quests for the Tuskarr and the NEs, but also exploring around in the north, dodging level 74 elites in the process but not dying. ;) Last night I started the Borean Tundra.

ZOMG THE MURLOCS! I told my guild, only half-joking, that I could happily grind to 80 just rescuing baby murlocs. I wanted to drop the quest and re-take it so I could keep doing it. I had a veritable army of Murkies following me at one point. They randomly make the little Murky gurgle noise, and when you open the cages they sometimes say things like "Mama?" and "Go play?" TOO CUTE FOR WORDS OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG AIEEEEEEE!!!

Sadly, I did have to turn in the quests, including the one that gives you a murloc suit to use in the cavern only, which I was sorely tempted to keep (by not turning in the quest) but eventually I succumbed to the siren call of XP and did it.

I'm glad I started in the Howling Fjord, though. The boat ride in, the lore, and the general music/feel/layout felt more epic. Borean Tundra was like, "Okay, boom, there's the town, it's a cramped jumble, now go out into this rather unattractive landscape and kill crypt fiends." I enjoyed it, but I like the Fjord's ambiance and overall setup much more.

After I finish the Tundra I'm not sure which zone I'll tackle next. I'll probably go back to finish up Dragonblight, since I already have several quests and all the flight paths. I'm really looking forward to Sholazar Basin, though, because I LOVED Un'Goro and I can't wait to see the sequel. XD

Alas, my flying broom from the Hallow's End event expired last night. *wipes away a tear*
Oh well, my white talbuk fits in quite well. ;) I may buy the brown bear from Dalaran eventually, though.

Speaking of buying (or selling), holy crap am I ever glad I didn't drop skinning for Inscription. I've gathered a ton of Borean Leather (often by scavenging other people's abandoned kills, and don't worry, I make sure they're not skinning first and I give them their space--I don't like it when people are right in your face waiting for you to finish killing something so they can immediately skin it.) That stuff is selling for around 22g a stack on Stormrage, and I made over 1000g selling that and some other herbs, etc, that I've run across. It's nuts! Not complaining, though. ;)

Lastly, Dalaran. OMG I ♥ Dalaran soooooo much! It's not just because it's a mage city, although that helps. ;) But it's SO gorgeous! When I first ported up to it I just stood there gawking. It's breathtaking! And it has everything! Well, everything except an AH, but that's what bank alts are for. ;) But it has vendors and trainers for everything imaginable, including the only class trainers in Northrend--MAGES! WOOT! The shops sell tons of cool flavor items, most of them ridiculously expensive, but hey, if I got 1000g just from leather I picked up, I'll be able to afford some fun splurges. ;)

I'm addicted to fishing there, as well. I saw someone with the Giant Sewer Rat pet last night, and I want that SO bad! I've only spent one lure fishing in the sewers, though, as I've been busy collecting all the coins from the fountain. I've gotten lots of them, and I'm closing in on the Achievements for them. Some of them are absolutely hilarious, others poignant. I maaaay have squeed IRL when I caught Maiev's silver coin that reads merely, "Where's Illidan?" Bwahaha! XD

A pair of guildies dinged 77 last night got Cold Weather Flying, and throughout the day yesterday there were server-wide messages about the first [insert race and/or class here] to ding 80. I'm in no hurry. I'm having a blast exploring everything, goofing around, and fishing. I'll ding when I ding. No hurry, the content will be there.

warcraft - general

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