Wrath of the Obsessed Fangirl

Nov 14, 2008 13:01

As an early birthday present, Dad went out to the mall and picked up my copy of Wrath of the Lich King yesterday morning so it was ready and waiting to install when I got up.

I ended up playing through the entire Death Knight starting quest line on my newest alt, Kalizai. I altered the spelling slightly to make it a veiled reference to the Hindu goddess of bloody, horrible destruction. XD I'll have to go back and edit the little fanfic I posted last week about her.

I was going to just make the DK, log in to look around a bit, and then go over to level Skarlette, but wow...the whole starting experience for Death Knights is freaking AWESOME. The first thing you see is the Lich King standing there in all his icy, armored glory. I couldn't turn that down!
So after doing through the whole, lore-tastic thing from level 55 to 58, Kalizai is now sitting in Ironforge on her sinister pony o' doom, looking oh-so-very badass. She has zero quests in her log and I haven't decided where I'm going to level her, whether I'm going to poke around the old world or head straight to Outland.
I spent quite awhile leveling her mining and blacksmithing with the hundreds of ore I'd saved up. She's able to smelt silver now despite never having swung her mining pick, thanks to smelting mass amounts of copper, tin and bronze. Some of the things she made actually sold on the AH for a little bit of extra silver, and the rest I'll have Maeldan DE.

After running out of quests and blacksmithing mats on Kalizai, I then headed over to my main server to see what my guildies were up to. Most are level 70-71, with a few 72s. I think one dinged 73 last night, but hunters always level quickly. Skarlette's now halfway through 70. I'm taking my time, enjoying the content.
I started out in the Howling Fjord for a couple of reasons.
1. I liked the sound of the lore and heavily Norse-inspired ambiance. Fjords FTW!
2. The boat there leaves from Menethil and I figured most people would be lazy and take the boat from Stormwind to the Borean Tundra instead.

It worked out quite well for both of those reasons. Virtually all of my guildies were in the Borean Tundra, and I was invited to join them, but to be honest I wanted to fly solo for my initial explorations. My absolute favorite part of the game is uncovering the new content and soaking it all in, and I wanted to do that at my own pace. Also, most of them had a head start on me, thanks in part to my dalliance as a Death Knight, and to join them I'd have had to skip some content or do it out of order, and I did not want to do that!

I managed to avoid the new Fel Reavers Storm Giants so far, but I know I'll get stomped on by one sooner or later. ;)

Professions-wise...I'm sticking with skinning and herbalism for now. I already maxed out my skinning at 450 just from scavenging what other people left behind, and skinning the things I had to kill for quests myself. My herbalism is only like 381, as competition for herb spawns is pretty fierce. I may go back to Outland and pick some Netherbloom or Nightmare Vine to level up a bit.
I had saved up a crapload of Netherweave cloth for First Aid, only to have my guild master remind me two days ago that Heavy Netherweave Bandages go gray at 375. Doh! >_< So that was useless, but oh well. I've only found about 18 pieces of Frostweave cloth so far, since most of the quests I've done have involved killing non-humanoids. Oh well, it'll come. Netherweave seemed rare at first too, but now I'm buried in the stuff.
I had saved up a bunch of crawdad, huge feltail, and whatever that other giant fish is that you get from the cooking daily, so leveling cooking was a breeze. By the time I finished frying up my stockpile, the first several Northrend recipes were already greyed out. Heh.
I used up two fishing lures yesterday and got a few points there. In between running around killing things, getting dismounted, getting lost, dodging Storm Giants, and reading quest text, taking a little break to do some fishing was a nice breather. ;)

I don't plan to do much with Obsydia until Skar is 80, but I did take her to the Fjord to upgrade her professions. My guild master is a jewelcrafter on his main, and Obsydia is one of the only other high-level JCs we have. He sent a bunch of Outland gems to me after he stopped getting skillups from them, which was awesome. Sadly most of those are green for me, so I'm not getting much in the way of skill points there, either, but hopefully due to the sheer quantity I'll get there. I may have to buy some old epic gems to get over the bump into Northrend stuff, but we'll see.

So far none of the gear Skarlette has gotten from quests or drops is anything close to an upgrade for her. She's in very nice gear right now, all approximately Tier 5 equivalent (either from Isle badge gear, or drops from ZA, Hyjal, Magtheridon, or The Eye.) That's fine, as I really like the look of her outfit right now. ;) The longer I can go without looking like a circus clown reject, the better!

Okay, Day 1 ramble now out of my system, time to fire up the game and see what Day 2 brings. Hopefully dingage.

warcraft - general, warcraft - alliance alts

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