
May 08, 2008 02:51

You know you've spent too much time grinding out Netherwing faction when you see the edge of a shadow priest's aura on your screen and immediately think, "OMG EGG! GRAB IT!" *facepalm* I did that during tonight's raid. I should not admit to this.

Tonight my guild killed Magtheridon on the first attempt, making I believe three kills to our credit now. Then we went on to Gruul's, where we had one little "Oops, how did the main tank die so quickly? Run away! Run away!" attempt on High King (I ran for the exit and managed to escape with 19 hitpoints left...YEEK!), then easily took him down on the second attempt. We went on to Gruul himself, wiped once at around 20%, then took the big guy down on try #2.
We'd never cleared both Mags and Gruul's in one night before. Very cool!

No loot for me, although after another mage won the caster blade from Gruul and I realized it wasn't that much different than the one I was using from Prince, I finally took the plunge and bought the Scryer's Blade of Focus from the Quel'Danas badge vendor. I'd been ogling it for a long time but I was hesitant to shell out 150 badges for it. After tonight's raid, however, I had 201 badges in my bag, and realized that they only stack to 200. Time to take a deep breath and commit to a big purchase. Hello, +287 spell damage! (247 on the dagger plus 40 more via enchant.)

So Skarlette got phat lewtz after all, it just wasn't picked up off a dead boss tonight. ;)

Meanwhile, Obsydia somehow managed to time it so that she dinged Revered with the Shattered Sun, Exalted with the Scryers, and Exalted with the Netherwing all in the same afternoon! 0_o That was crazy, but very cool. She spent a ton of gold on the jewelcrafting patterns from the Shattered Sun guys, got the Scryers tabard, and then picked out her very own Onyx netherdrake mount. (Hot dragon-on-dragon action, woohoo!) She also bought a new sword from the SSO quartermaster.

Now why the hell am I still awake at this insanely late hour? >_< Must...sleep...

warcraft - raiding, warcraft - alliance alts

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