WoW stuff

May 07, 2008 13:54

According to this site that tracks guild progression in WoW, my guild is the 47th-ranked one on our server. That's cool that we're in the top 50. We're not uber and don't pretend to be, but we put a decent dent in things. ^_^

Quite a few of our guild members live in the Kansas City area, and it's been a tradition among their circle of friends since before WoW was even in the picture to have a big picnic/party for Cinco de Mayo. Since WoW was released it's become a guild get-together as well. I couldn't afford the trip, of course, but guild members from as far away as Seattle and Michigan attended and apparently had a great time.

Because so many people were traveling and otherwise busy, of course, we weren't able to raid much for several days. Not a problem, it's nice to take a break. We tried to get back into the groove of things last night with a scheduled Gruul run, but we didn't have nearly enough people online. Pooey.
We managed to put together a Kara run instead, and I took Obsydia along for her second trip into Medivh's tower. In a previous week's adventure she had picked up a belt from Moroes and a cloak from Prince, and last night she got bracers from Maiden. So far she's only attended fights versus Attumen, Moroes, Maiden and Prince. (Skarlette subbed in for Big Bad Wolf the first night, and they cleared from Curator up to Prince a night when I wasn't around.)

That's the good thing about bringing up an this point most of the loot in Kara is DE fodder for the guild's core group, so if caster loot drops it's pretty much a guarantee that I'll get it. ^_^

It's funny, because the Ruby Drape of the Mysticant that drops from Prince is a drop that I've wanted on Skar for a very long time but it didn't drop very often and when it did I got outrolled. Obsydia's first trip in, and she gets it! Isn't that the way it goes, though? Oh well, it was a giant upgrade for her, and Skarlette has a cloak from High King Maulgar now so she's not exactly hurting in the cape department. ;)

Meanwhile, Obsydia will most likely reach exalted with the Netherwing today, finally earning the right to fly around on the back of one of her cousins. Heehee... Then I can get down to business grinding Consortium and Shattered Sun rep for her for the Jewelcrafting patterns she needs.

warcraft - raiding, warcraft - alliance alts, warcraft - social aspects

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