
Aug 15, 2007 19:16

Last night I participated in my very first level 1 raid in WoW. There have been events like this before, where a large number of people roll a brand-new character and then run together to a funny place, usually an enemy capital. I've seen level 1 gnomes raid Hogger, level 1 undead stage a "zombie invasion" on Stormwind, and Tauren stampeding across the countryside. I always wanted to do one of those events as they sound fun, but I never had the opportunity before. The closest I came was seeing a number of lowbie Tauren corpses along the road in STV one time when we were raiding in Zul'Gurub.

Last night I had my chance! WoW Insider was sponsoring the Tauren stampede on the Zangarmarsh server.
We started with around 500 cows, not sure how many actually made it all the way, but it was quite a crowd.
At around 9 PM my time we started off from Bloodhoof Village, passing through Camp Taurajo and the Crossroads to get to Orgrimmar. From there we took the zepplin to Grom'gol and ran north. I died on one of the bridges in STV and took the spirit rez at the graveyard just across the river from Nesingwary's camp, which actually helped me because I caught up with the main herd after falling behind a bit due to lag earlier. We ran through Duskwood, past Stictches' corpse lying by the Night Watch camp--phew!--and through Westfall. We reached Elwynn and ran toward our goal, the thunder of our hooves striking fear into the hearts of Goldshire's residents. I got one-shot by the guards at the city gates, did the looooong corpse run from the logging camp, and rezzed to make a suicide run a bit farther into the city. I logged out leaving my corpse along with dozens of other Taurens' on the bridge leading into Stormwind. A good time was had by all.

Today they posted a number of screenshots, and my little cow is visible in several of them!

I'm in this pic! The black-and-white spotted female Tauren in the brown skirt and no shirt whose head is right by the campfire is Wiscownsin, my level 1 (then 2 due to discovery XP) Tauren stampeder.

I would be on this shot, too, but there's no way to pick me out from the mass of Tauranity. ;)

You can see me more clearly on this one, where I'm the second from the right in the bottom-right corner. You can even read my name (Wiscownsin) if you look hard enough amid the jumble of letters.

I'm right in the middle of this pic from Westfall. Look for the guy in the Stylish Red Shirt, and I'm running a few yards of blank grass in front of him.

I'm off to the right on this shot, apparently floating/walking in midair. 0_o Lag does odd things to the graphics.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that's me in the middle of this shot, more or less facing the camera while the massive herd passes in the foreground.

I'm near the front of this shot, a bit behind and to the left of the guy in the purple shirt.

Here I'm just down and to the right of the guy shouting "FOR THE HERD!!!" LOL!

warcraft - general, warcraft - horde alts

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