
Aug 04, 2007 19:12

Not that "Azerothian Supervillains" wasn't my favorite series of WoW mini-movies already, but the brand-new Episode 3 is, like, so awesome there are no words for its awesomeness level. It's like, a Legendary with +200 Awesome and a chance to add another +100 Awesome on crit. Or some other really geeky metaphor.

Of course, I'm biased by my Illidan/Maiev-tinted goggles,'s the best thing EVAR. For realzies. ZOMG! XD

Okay, so they're ignoring the history between Illidan and Maiev (not that the entire series is particularly concerned with canon, heehee), but watching her seduce him and then having him declare his love for her made my day. Week. Month. Financial quarter.

ILLIDAN: "I don't think I want to be evil anymore. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
MAIEV: "Oh...really? I thought this was more of thing..."


And uber-nerdy-teenager!Kael'thas is just too funny and adorable. His action figures crack me up. XD

warcraft - lore

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