An armada of ships

Jul 24, 2007 00:15

I have e-mail and LJ posts to respond to, I haven't played WoW for several days, and other stuff needs to be done, and all I can do is obsess over Harry Potter stuff. >_< Oh well, this is the time to do it, after all. ;)

Now if my dad would just finish reading it so I could discuss it out loud at home. I've been imploding with the squeeness since Saturday but I've had to keep my mouth shut to avoid spoiling him. Both people I talked to at work today also had yet to finish reading it. My supervisor, Cindy, doesn't read the books and doesn't really care, but she did ask me if Harry died or not. Heh.
So to avoid collapsing into a black hole of giddy fangirlishness I've been websurfing the various forums, art sites, communities and other stuff, wallowing in Pottery fangirlishness.

I was over at the good ol' Fiction Alley Park forums tonight to lurk a bit in some of my old haunts, the Severus/Lily and Voldemort/Bellatrix boards. Both ships survived DH really well. Of course, SS/LE became the Grand Unifying Theory of the Potterverse that I always knew it was. *very loud squee*

But Voldie and Bella had some more subtle, less-significant-to-the-larger-plot moments as well. In the first chapter she's busy fawning all over him. When she thinks that he (and Harry) have both been killed in the forest, she frantically tries to awaken him, addressing him "like a lover." Wow! And lest we think it was totally one-sided, when she was killed Voldemort actually screamed. o_0 Not that he's capable of any sort of real, selfless, romantic love, but he did seem fond of her in his own, evil, amoral way.

My other favorite ship, Severus/Petunia, was pretty much ignored except for the confirmation that he was indeed "that awful boy" who told her and Lily about Dementors in Azkaban. Just as "The Prince's Tale" chapter added oodles of background and history between him and Lily, it also told us that he's known Petunia just as long. A fun little bit to work with, there.

My dark, guilty pleasure ship is Tom/Ginny, but since Ginny didn't have that big of a role in DH there really isn't anything to add there. Oh well, that's always been much more of a fanon ship than canon (like Sev/Petunia, but much less emotionally healthy--which is saying something!) It's pretty much self-contained in the second book anyway, and always has been.

Another ship of which I am quite fond is Tom/Minerva, but there was no acknowledgement of their status as contemporaries in DH, and she didn't turn out to be secretly on his side all along. So no canon there, but still fun to think about.

But my real Potterverse OTP, Severus Snape and Lily Evans, was confirmed in a huge way, so whatever other, lesser ships got the shaft is a minor quibble.
This has helped to restore my faith in my own powers of analysis and literary criticism. After I so completely dropped the ball with Pirates of the Caribbean 3, I felt a bit foolish. Having so many of my HP7 predictions be freakin' spot-on makes me feel a lot better. ;)

(TANGENT: Although I still contend that the PotC makers simply failed to properly foreshadow and make the plot flow. My powers of analysis are partly to blame, but I sure as hell wasn't making up stuff out of nowhere.

Corset metaphors, rain on a wedding day, Beckett suggesting that "fate intervened," Elizabeth being mistaken for the ghost of a bride widowed before her marriage, the rum always being gone (which the writers explicitly said was a callback to the island scenes in the first movie where Jack and Elizabeth were frolicking around half-dressed having lots of drunken fun), a wedding dress sinking with a shipwreck while Davy Jones' theme plays (a.k.a. the theme music for the most tragically dysfunctional romance in the entire Pirates universe), Norrington teasing Elizabeth about how she looked at Jack, the FREAKING COMPASS, the writer's online hints to fans about waffles (long story), the music cues, the amount of screentime spent on the Jack/Elizabeth chemistry, the blazingly obvious disconnect between Will and Elizabeth after the Kraken took down the Pearl, EVERYTHING that strongly pointed to a Sparrabeth ending, or at least a neutral, not-Willabeth ending.
But noooooooooooo! "It would never have worked out between us" my ASS!

Er...sorry, got off on a rant there. I guess I'm just really feeling the contrast between how Jack/Elizabeth and Severus/Lily turned out: "WTF?!?!?!" versus "OMG I KNEW IT, WOOHOO!!!"
Frankly, the Jack/Liz ship seemed even more obvious to me than Sev/Lily...yet see how that turned out. :-p The mind boggles.

Um, yeah, anyway...


*clears throat*

Hey, I'm entitled to some silly fangirlish squeeing, considering how long I've stood by this theory. I admit I used to think it was more one-sided than it turned out to be-- that Lily wasn't even that good a friend to Severus, more of a casual acquaintance--but I was SO happy to be proven wrong. Best friends since around age 9! How awesome is that? :D

*massive giggles* OMG, Stephen Colbert just started his show with him and the entire audience with their noses buried in Deathly Hallows. He was like, "...huh?" and looked up at the camera, sort of wide-eyed and disoriented. Bwahaha! I ♥ The Colbert Report.

harry potter - discussion and theories, pirates of the caribbean

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