
May 27, 2007 15:57

There was one of those "funny/stupid things you did as a newbie" threads on the WoW forums recently, and I came up with a few memories to add.

The first time my friend [katarina42] led me from Ironforge to Darnassus (she was like level 26 at the time, I was a bit lower, probably upper teens), I went through the entire city, visiting all the vendors, figuring they sold different things there than IF/SW. I found a weapon vendor and bought the best white staff he had, and I thought I was cool for having something from such an exotic place.
I did a similar thing the first time I got to Darkshire. I think I bought a staff and cloak from the vendors there.

On a related note, I knew nothing whatsoever about weapon speed. When I looked at a dagger around my level it said something like "24 DPS" while my lovely staff said "60 DPS", so I figured only a total noob would want a dagger, since it did so little damage. Then I'd try to kill something with my staff and wonder why it was so tedious and uneffective. >_< (The fact that I was trying to kill something with my staff AT ALL is another noob thing, of course.)

I wore an "of the Wolf" hat (with +agility) for several levels because it looked so awesome, like a purple witch's hat.

Questing in Redridge, I was frustrated at how I'd be completely out of mana at the end of a fight, while the others I was grouping with (a pally and I forget what else) had plenty left. I figured I must be doing something wrong, or that mages were weak. I asked them if they knew why I ended up drinking for so much longer than them, and they just were like, "Uh...more spirit gear, I guess. *snicker*" Doh.

I took herbalism and skinning and then vendored everything I gathered until into my 20s. (Granted, I was on a trial account for the first week so I couldn't trade or use the AH, but I should have saved it all. Derrr.)

I did, however, save the Raw Bristle Whiskered Catfish I caught in the moat at the entrance to Stormwind. I'd never seen that kind before, only Smallfish and Mud Snappers, so I figued it was special. It wasn't all that long before I got my cooking skill up so I could just cook the darn thing, but it rotted in my bank for awhile.

My second character was a hunter and I was into my 20s before I realized I had to tame other pets to learn new skills to teach my main pet. I hit 40 before I finally caught on that pets have a finite amount of talent points, and that for solo PVE purposes sinking tons of points into different magic resistances probably wasn't the smartest use of resources if it meant my pet's armor and damage output were gimped as a result. But dang, he's got great Arcane Resistance. >_<

In more recent WoW news, Eitak dinged 63 and got to do the quest in Zangarmarsh where you turn a bunch of baby murlocs loose in a Broken village. Bwahahaha! Shelkaena is level 39 and hopefully will have her awesome-looking belfadin mount soon. Selldorine dinged 46 late last night. I haven't done too much with Skarlette lately but I should get crackin' on the new ogre- and arrakoa-related reps they added in the latest patch.

Nothing else interesting to say, really. Got the Indy 500 on the TV with the sound muted, glancing over occasionally to see if anything is flipping over and bursting into flames. ;)

Edited to add...Let Leonard In is a very cute little site for a goldfish helping to promote the Seattle Aquarium.

Commercial with seals
Commercial talking to other fish

Very cute!

Edited AGAIN to add...Absolutely hysterical video of Illidan, Kael'Thas and Archimonde plotting world domination!! And, by the same guy, 'GUARDS' (a.k.a. COPS), which made me laugh until my eyes watered. Ditto this PSA for the University of Stormwind. Check out other vids at this site, they're hilarious.

warcraft - general, warcraft - horde alts, warcraft - alliance alts, fish - goldfish, warcraft - humor

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