WoW note

Sep 27, 2006 12:31

Did Molten Core last night. Lucifron STILL didn't drop my @#$&* boots! (I'm one of only like 2 or 3 mages in the guild who doesn't have Arcanist Boots!) ;_; HOWEVER, I can't really complain because I got my Arcanist Belt (no one else needed one) and my Arcanist Mantle (only one other person needed it and they were one of the few below me on the DKP list)! Two Tier 1 pieces in one night!

This brings me up to 5/8 on the set, although I don't plan on wearing my Arcanist Crown unless I need the fire resist or my Netherwind Crown's low on durability after wipes. Netherwind not only has better stats, it looks a ton better, too. >_< I always have to turn off the graphics on the Arcanist Crown; it's just that ugly, and my hair clips through it in the back. Bleh.

After MC I helped a guildie with a quest in EPL. She needed to capture the towers but Alliance alllllways controls them so it's nigh on impossible to "capture" them for the quest.
So I hopped over on Eitak, while still coordinating with my guildmate in Vent chat, and captured the towers for the Horde so she could take them back. XD A couple of them took a long time for the little "Alliance vs. Horde" bar to slide far enough into the red, but it was something different to do. ;) She got ganked twice riding between the first and second towers (I told my fellow Horde she was with me the second time it happened but their response was "tough." *rolleyes*)
I got ganked by a gnome warlock while trying to keep the last tower. Nerf warlocks! :-p Hehee...
The whole thing just reminded me once again why I dislike PVP (I suck at it!) and why I'm glad I rolled on a PVE server. >_<

Speaking of WoW (as I all too often am), I uploaded a bunch of new screenshots to my galleries a day or two ago. New stuff in every gallery except Skarlette, Lawyn and Ariadnie. I've got new ones aplenty for Skarlette but I haven't had time to get them uploaded and such. The rest of my characters have new pics up, though. ;)

And with that geeky note, I must now go to work. At least I know I won't get ganked while shelving or anything... ;)

warcraft - general, warcraft - raiding

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