I think it's awesome how many people are suddenly taking Severus/Lily seriously. XD I've lost count of how many times I've read things like "I never liked the idea before but after HBP it makes a lot of sense" or "I never thought it was plausible but now it would explain a lot!"
See, this is why Severus/Lily is more than a ship to me. It's the Grand Unifying Theory of the Potterverse!
Three related threads that I ran across today...
"I had a thought this morning. What if Snape were in love with Harry's mother?" "I think he had romantic interest in Lily and that was the whole 'regret' thing."
And then there's a confrontational, wanky post here in which someone asks, "Why does every body [sic] think Snape is in love with Lily?" [x-posted to