Fuck Him

Mar 07, 2006 22:04


Guys, guys are stupid. At least this one is. Yes I'm venting, yes I'm slightly over emotional, and yes in a couple of days I might delete this because I don't feel that way any longer. But right now it hurts. Real bad. Emotional ups that go on for hours, only to have them all come crashing down because you like some girl that lives in Florida. I don't get it. I'm right here. I know you. You don't really know me, but whatever. Guys don't pay that much attention to their so called girl friends. I don't get it. You were going to ask me out. We were going to try it again. Because you still have feelings for me. Feelings I never really knew were there in the first place. I don't care if we were going out technically or not, but for a little while you were mine again. And then she asks you out. A girl that lives thousands of miles away. I don't know what I feel anymore. Rejected I guess. But I mean, I have this feeling that it won't work out. If it does, more power to you bud. I'm happy that you're happy. But if it doesn't, and you ask me out again, I don't know what I'll do. Fool me one time shame on you, fool me again shame on me. I don't know if today counted as a second time, but it sure as hell felt like it. Every time I talk to you I keep getting pushed further and further away. I don't know what to do. I'm really mixed up right now. I lost you, I have the flu, I have a shit load of work that I need to get done, and a family that is depending on me because I can still function somewhat normally. While they lay down all day because they just feel like shit. Not good guys. I don't know what to do. Really confused. Ah, I believe I'm floating again!!! Don't really know what I'm feeling, but it doesn't feel good. Bla bla bla bla bla... I'm done. I know you've got better things to do than to see what the hell is wrong with me. Night.
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