You know, a lot of people seem to be telling you that it's no big deal that this woman is in your life, and if she sounded like an ordinary type of woman then i'd say that they were right, but when you say that this woman has threatened to kick your mom's ass WHILE she was drunk, she sounds like a loser if I've ever heard one. I know that if someone said something like that I'd make sure that she knew who was the boss and let her know that anymore comments like that will cause her ultimate fall with my father. It's one thing for the woman to dislike the ex, it's another for her to threaten violence onto her. Even if it's while she's intoxicated she sounds like nothing but a hinderance. It sounds like this will cause more serious issues in the future if measures aren't taken now. I'd say talk to her first, let her know that you won't take that crap. People keep telling you that it's all in your head but I'd really take special precautions and keep the distance between this woman. Tell her this statement right here, "If ANYTHING happens to my mom... Then I'll know who to tell the cops had a grudge against her..." You know my grandfather was dating this woman for a few weeks because he's got a big social security check going to him every month and then she turned and married another guy because he was even more lonely and even richer than my grandfather. Becareful, because it's not in your head.
P.S. Sorry about the double post, the first time was when I wasn't logged on.
P.S. Sorry about the double post, the first time was when I wasn't logged on.
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