Dragon*con 2008 was possibly the most epic con I have ever been to. I thought meeting Shokotan was exciting, but fangirling over the cast of BSG and other stars was so incredibly awesome it hurt (literally, Adama-papa had us screaming like stark-raving lunatics at the TCF Party). Unfortunately for you all, I have a pretty damn good memory, so this again will be a photo dump full of all the shit that I can still recall from 6 months ago. WOOH!!! Including the not-so-exciting story of how I met my boyfriend. :D
So this was my first time arriving at D*C on Thursday, and I have to say... why? We didn't actually DO anything, or see anyone (aside from each other), or party or even get into costume earlier on Friday! Katie, do you still want to stay Thursday night? Because Lord knows I'd rather save the money!
Onto Friday!
So, pretty much, we woke up. We picked up our badges. (VIP registration, haaaay!) Then we proceeded to laze around our hotel room until we got into costume at FIVE. SO LAZY. Next year, my goal is to spend less time in our hotel room. Like, way less.
At one point, Mary's dad was chillin' in our room dressed as death, which was actually pretty damn eerie.
As Katie said, sometimes it takes a whole lifetime to get me out of the room...
I don't think I've ever told the story about my BSG love, have I? Well, if I have, I'll tell it again. I've had a few friends who had been harassing me to get in the series, but I wasn't really in any hurry. I assumed it probably would hold about as much interest for me as the newer sci-fi series like Farscape and what not (aka, little to none). So when my brother rented the first DVDs from Blockbuster, I was like "Oh, yeah, that show. Been meaning to check it out." Watched the first few episodes, and I was IN. Hook, line, and sinker. So imagine my surprise when in California, I was randomly updating Diana and my D*C plans and when I included Six, she was like "OMG, I'm planning a BSG costume to!" and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE HAD RANDOMLY GOTTEN INTO THE SHOW AS WELL. How cool is that?!? So yeah, since Tricia and Katee are BFFs in real life, this was pretty much the greatest thing ever. Also, I think Diana bears a slight resemblance to Katee Sackhoff, minus the manliness of her features versus Diana's more feminine face.
So photo-dump tiemz!!! I apologize- there are a TON that I like!
For those who don't get it, Auburn University beat our rival, Alabama, for SIX years in football. HUR HUR~ ;D
I am so thug. X3
I look awkward in this one, but look at how hot
inviere looks in this head-Six sammich! Mmm~
No, really, Megan. I'm declaring it ILLEGAL to be that beautiful. ;D
Doesn't D kind of bare a slight resemblance to Katee Sackhoff?
LOL What a goofy grin. XD
Taken by Mandy- same goofy grin.
HAY GAIZ, did you know Starbuck has a head-Six? :D
So, at some point on Friday, Mary and I came back to the room (not sure where Diana and CA were... oh wait, possibly the costume contest) and I think I was freshening up my make-up or something like that, when Katie returned with 3 male strangers. This is nothing new, so I continued with what I was doing until she said "Yeah, I met these guys through ____. They're all from Auburn." Upon hearing which, I popped my head in to check things out. I wasn't expecting much, but I was still curious. The first thing I noticed was that two of them were taller than me in 4" stilettos. The second thing I noticed was that one of them was VERY cute. In true Katie fashion, I did my usual flirt routine, which is very subtle. I don't like to come on strong. So I was like "Wow, you're taller than me in heels!" Then I stepped out of them to show that I'm not really 6'1, and did the little measure-y thing with my hand angling toward his head and asked, "How tall are you? 6'4" To which Cliff even responded affirmatively, or corrected me with "6'3-" I can't recall. Either way, it is a rare thing to see me flirting at cons. Most of the guys at them don't meet my standards. Unfortunately, Cliff and his friends were VERY drunk and covered in blood and trying to fix a broken prop (a chainsaw "hand" from Army of Darkness), so in a room full of pretty costumes, they were kind of hazardous. But before they left, Cliff leaned over, lifted my wig off my temple and said, "Just checking to see what color of hair to look for in case I ever see you in Auburn." I laughed and said "Yeah, definitely dark brown, not platinum blonde!" and probably would have blushed if that bodily function were possible for me. Then they left and I silently hoped I would see him again.
That night, we had a room party since Diana's birthday had been a week ago, mine was IN a week, and Mary's dad's was that day. It was fun, and the hilarious part is that in ALL of these pictures Katie took, my back is turned. Every single one.
So, Saturday is parade day, and since Diana was really set on walking with the Dr. Who fans, I decided to join her, too as "SLUTTY ROMANA II." ;DDDD (I say "slutty" because what is a knee-length dress on Diana is mid-thigh on me. XD) A lot of the pictures from this day required MAJOR shooping because I hardly wore any make-up since we got up so early and I was sweaty and shiny and gross by the end of the parade.
But here they are!
Oh, Diana~ You are such a baller bodyguard.
I look down a lot when I walk. XD That's actually an old habit of mine.
J/K, this shit just got easy again. (Katie = :O)
Taken at the Torchwood panel!
Saturday was also the day of Mary's giant Magic Knights Rayearth group. We'd lost quite a few people, but it was still a pretty darn sizable group. Unfortunately, Kevin literally got into costume, came downstairs, and then had to go up and change into Baltar. I was quite sad about this because it suddenly meant that I was the only bad guy. >_> Oh, well. Here are the ONLY pictures with Kevin:
The first people we ran into were Yaya, Jinyo, and Victoria. I remember this because there is photographic evidence!
This looks like a screenshot of a really weird face-off. XD
Then we got interviewed by FarkTV. Unfortunately, nothing seems to have come of it, as I think they've stopped making videos.
LOL Mary's face!! XD
I'm like "HURRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!"
This was probably when she asked, "Why do YOU come to Dragon*con?" and I said, "TO PARTY. ;D"
I am SO up to no good. Mmmm, Diana's boobs....
My face looks freaky dark. XD
Then we walked to the pretty marble columns at the park down the street and Silas, Mary's dad, and Anna's husband took some GREAT shots!
Best shot of my cape from the whole shoot. Unfortunately, it's a blooper. XD
Dance, puppets, DANCEEEE!!
Torturing Mokona.
Torturing Caldina! ;^;
It was awesomely windy that day. :D
Yay for lightweight, un-lined capes!
Then I just got silly.
The Alabama fans LOVED our MKR group. XD
Next, we went to the Suntrust Bank's fountain for photos.
Caldina is practicing her audition for the Spanish hat-dancing team.
I had WAY too much fun with poses. XD
This pose was my idea... and even I don't get it. SORRY, GUYS, IT MADE MORE SENSE IN MY HEAD?
This little girl and her mom wanted pictures with us. SO ADORABLEEEEEEEE~
Mer and Mary and Anna and myself are like "OMG, HAY, WE LOVE YOU, TOO, RANDOM PERSON!!" and Diana is like "Just shut up and take this picture. Bitches. God."
Mary's wings kept attacking me. And my wig was sliding back at this point, waaah.
More Bama-fans who wanted our picture, haha.
I had to get a picture with Iron-man. SO EPIC.
SIDENOTE: I think Caldina is going to be the last REALLY skimpy, revealing costume I make. I've made quite a few, I know, and a lot of times when I'm wearing the costume, I'll look down and be like "Okay, this isn't too bad, I don't look that gross." Then I'll see some pictures and just be... horrified by what I look like. Sure, I see some pictures that make me go "Damn. I'm a
skinny bitch." then I'll see others that make me say "Why the FUCK did my FRIENDS let me leave the hotel room???" Everyone has issues with their body, and that certainly applies to me, too. I would rather wear something that covers more that my body consistently photographs well in than something I'll only occasionally find a picture of myself wearing that doesn't make me want to vomit. (And just in case anyone wonders if I mean that literally, no, I don't.) So, yeah, this quite possibly will be the last time you see me wearing a bottom and/or top less than 6" wide. Feel free to rejoice if you've never been a fan of skimpy cosplay!
So after a good day of photoshooting, D and I ran off to grab some dinner at the food court, then it was back to our room to change into Six and Starbuck again for the Colonial Fleet Party. Carolann and Mary decided to tag along, even though they're not BSG fans. At the Colonial Fleet Party, the first person I ran into was Bob, of course! It WAS the BSG party, after all.
First picture of the night, taken by Bob.
Lauren and her husband as Starbuck and Blanders... Awww... Also, Clarke as Apollo!
So at the party, they had put all the celebrities in attendance in this little sectioned-off area where only the "VIP" were allowed to enter, such as the founding members of the TCF. ...Excuse me, WHAT? Being a moderator on a forum suddenly makes you a BNF?? Whatev, it was their party, I get it, but seriously. They're dorks. We're dorks. Get over yourself.
NEVERTHELESS, I managed to use my POWERS OF ATTRACTION to draw Tahmoh Penikett over to me~ OHOHO~
I then proceeded to kiss him on the cheek for a photo, but it was really awkward as Bob had walked away and the photo was not being taken, so it was kinda like I was just planting my lips on the man's cheek and holding them there for kicks. Nooo, I was posing. He thanked me for the kiss, anyway, and I pray he was too drunk to realize how strange and awkward the whole situation was. I certainly was not drunk enough.
So to remedy this, I stole Lauren's alcohol!
No, really. I stole her alcohol. :D
She didn't need it anyway. ........Who are these people????
We were SO ready for this picture, you guys.
Then some more celebrities left their cage!!!
Okay, technically, Chief was the first to come out, because I thanked him for getting everyone to show up at the con (assuming it was him, as he's usually credited with the most con appearances) and he said, "No, thank Tahmoh! He's the one who got everyone to come!" so that was why I went over and talked to Tahmoh. :D
So then, EJO came and stood onstage and gave everyone this awesome speech, then proceeded to SPOIL SEASON 4 FOR ME, AS I HAD NOT CAUGHT UP. T_T I was devastated, but if it was the Admiral spoiling it for me, then I guess it was okay. To end his speech, he led the entire party in a fanatical cheering of "SAY SO WE ALL" that totally was limit breaking the microphones. EPIC.
Then he came out into the masses...
Here I was explaining that he had spoiled season 4 for me, but that it was okay, because he's Admiral Adama.
Then Katie told him something, too.
I'M GOING TO ADOPT HIM AS MY GRANDPA. HE WAS SO ADORABLE. He was the only star who ACTUALLY hugged me for our photo and when we took it, he went "Nahh, that wasn't good enough, take another one!" QUITE POSSIBLY THE MOST ADORABLE DRUNK EVER. So opposite his character. XD
This was my reaction to him saying that. XD
Then, the party was pretty much winding down, so everyone started to slowly filter out... and for some reason, Spartans showed up. And for some reason, I was talking with them. They were doing normal, Spartan-y things, like flexing and stuff, and I think I asked them if any of them were actually STRONG and had muscles that could DO shit, and they were like "YEAH, HE DOES. HE CAN DO PUSH-UPS. WITH YOU ON HIM." And they made me demonstrate. And the photos that came out of this were HILARIOUS. Mostly because of MY FACE.
ROFL, DRUNKKKKK. Check out my creepy arm muscles and tendons.
LOL Either I was really heavy, or he was about to blow chunks. Probably the former.
Somehow he actually managed like, 5 push-ups. Then I got off because I was in a very precarious position, what with my 4" heels.
After we left the party, we ran into Al, and he grabbed a few shots.
I taught him the HaroPro point.
Then I got all up on my bff.
Then we did a BFF pose.
And Lionel was there, too!
Holy crap, my hip bones could CUT A BITCH.
After that, we went back to the room and crashed. Hard.
So Day 3 was the day I had been looking forward to- DISNEY DAY~! I was SO excited! I finished sewing my dress, because it wasn't done, and then D and I slowly got into costume. I did her make-up for Jane (and I thought she looked SUPER adorable!) and then I did my make-up... AND FORGOT TO PUT ON MASCARA. UGHHH, HOW ANNOYING. Then we set out for the Disney gathering, which we were just a little bit late for... I definitely wished I had gotten more pictures... and worn mascara. Ugh. But I did happen to get there right in time for the Aurora group photo!
The irony of this is that two years ago, there were no Auroras, and last year, there was one! lol
I slept on Sam. :3
That is one LUCKY prince.
Thanks for making me look manly and boxy with your feminine jawline, SAM! >_<
In Sam's words, "Wow, now it looks like I took these photos in my bedroom at home!"
Haato~ (My bodice was terrible for my posture.)
We so gangsta.
I'm up in your background! Talking to Christa and north-Cliff!
We went to have a private photo session on the steps with Leonard...
Then we lost it.
punmasta tried to get some good shots of D and myself, but we just couldn't stay serious!
Then the photoshoot ended, so D and I joined Mary and we ran around as a group of pastel primary-colored princesses!
Livvy took this, and while it's THE best shot of my bodice, it's also evidence of why I'll no longer wear this dress without a petticoat. @_@
I forget which Doctor this is! :D
It's Erik! Do you guys remember the funny story about Erik from D*C 2006? About how a friend of mine who didn't even know I cosplayed found the picture of myself as Starfire with him as Herbert the Pervert and she tagged it? Good story. Now you know.
We then went back to the room to chill... but first, we take SILLY PHOTO.
Then Diana camwhored.
Then I camwhored.
Then we took turns being creepy! :D
Then we decided to camwhore together~!
Except while Diana thought I was making a cute face like her, I was actually ACTIN' A FOOL. So she was like "Haha! No, for real this time!" And I go "Okay!"
"No, Katie, let's take a cute one!!" "Okay, okay, I promise!"
"AHAHAHAHAHA! GOTCHA, BITCH!!!!!" "Nooooo! Let's take a serious one for real, okay?" "Okay, let's."
And then we duped EACH OTHER. How beautiful. :D
Then everyone tried on my crown!
Jane, you guys? Total gangsta.
Then we made a con video!
Click to view
So after getting out of costume and into comfy PJs, we ordered a pizza and sat around the TV to watch the Dragon*con masquerade. THIS is a tradition that we MUST continue, guys. Joey was there, hanging with Katie, and he decided to give Cliff a call to join us in pizza, drinks, and D*C masq. And pretty much, that call was one of fate because were it not for it, he and I probably never would have hung out again that evening.
The masq was enjoyable, but after that, we decided to go check out the Wolfpack Party together as well as obtain free drinks from the Guest Suite at the Hyatt (Cliff is a guest every year. He will be again in 2009, too. See?
http://www.dragoncon.org/dc_guest_detail.php?id=1747 Tell me that panel does not sound boring as FUCK. lol)
I looked hella busted that night, but for some crazy reason, I caught the boy's attention and we all went out and partied together.
We ran into Amanda! <3
To make one looong drunken story short, ood times were had. And sometime during the night, I thought THIS photo was a good idea:
Monday consisted of packing... and going to Diana's "British Sci-Fi Media Costuming" panel! It was my first ever time going to a panel at Dragon*con, and it wasn't so bad! Mostly it consisted of the audience talking about their costumes, rather than the panelists talking about what they'd done. But we (that is, all the girls from our room who had gone to support D- myself, Mary, Carolann, and... Katie, did you go??) all joked that Diana would have looked like the celebrity panelist up there if she hadn't been in a costume!
Beautiful, ain't she? :D
And then, one by one, everyone went home! Oh, and at one point, I got lost in the dealer's room and couldn't find where anyone was because they had ditched me due to a costume emergency and my cell phone was dead, so when I ran into Brian and Yaya, Yaya made some calls and saved me like I was some little lost kindergardner on a field trip. XD Thank you, Yaya! MY HERO. <3
All in all, Dragon*con 2008 pretty much ranks as the best con I have ever been to. Even though I got pulled over and ticketed on the way home (BY A BSG-LOVING STATE TROOPER, YOU GUYS, TRUE STORY.), it was totally worth it. I got to hang out and room with my bff and other awesome ladies (who baked us goodies!!), I got to geek out over NON-animu things for a change, got to party with stars from one of my favorite new series, and oh yeah, I met my future boyfriend! Oh yeah. Good con.