(no subject)

May 04, 2009 13:34

So I've mentioned to a few people lately that I'm a little bit stressed out.  This has prompted the (probably knee-jerk, totally innocent and not in any way meant to be ironic) response "Oh, really?  Why?"

becauseI'mmovingacrossthecountryandstartinganewjobandIhavethisjobtofinishfirstIhaveobligationshereandIhavetosaygoodbyeandhoardmoneyandgotomycollegereunion etc. etc.

What's fairly hilarious to me (besides the irrationally quasi-homicidal response to people innocently asking me why I have stress) is the sublimely ridiculous list of things I'm trying to do.  Without flaking on any of it.

It goes a little something like this:

1. save enough money to front moving company costs, most of which will be reimbursed, but not all (done, shockingly.)

2. sell my car, including changing the oil (done), passing the smog test (done), cleaning it inside and out (er...) and posting the ad in appropriate places.  I need to get on that.  Probably right after the reunion.

3. Plan for my college reunion in two weeks.  This involves a detour to Baltimore to see Denise and Sarah, yay, and several days in New York City with two of my favorite girls of all time (yay) who like planning ahead (I can go either way) and very, very busy, and therefore unable to plan stuff like which show we will go see.  It's highly special that I'm the least busy and therefore able to plan stuff like that.  And hotels.  The hotels bit is done, though.  I made the reservation.

3a. Try to figure out the best time to visit my new town and attempt to househunt for a day or so while I'm there.  I was very keen on dragging some of the girls over there with me to look at places one afternoon, but now they've given me permission to show up late to the reunion partay itself, so I can take more time if needed.  This... is a surprisingly calming option, though I'd love to have them there to check out the coffee shop with me.

3b. Find a new apartment in the new town and coordinate the move-in date with the moving company people and first day of work.

4. Plan, cheerlead and implement a *RAFFLE* for the race I'm missing while at the reunion.  This is so ridiculous to me that it's just stunning.  I think it's going well, for the record, but it is absolutely, stunningly, sublimely odd.

5. Send my Mom a mother's day present (DONE, wow.)

6. Send baby booties to the many people I love who are having children. (I have a 50% success rate here.  My cousin just had a baby, oh, a week or two ago and there were no booties sent.  Hi ! I am pants at sending you knitting for your little one!)

(also, is sense of time the first thing to go when your brain is too stressed?  Is this a symptom of impending brain explosions?  I am not pleased with the hints of headachey doom I can feel, though they are at the back of my head, rather than migrainey.)

7. Write stories for people.  Okay, yes, this is a low priority but I like this priority.  If the chairmanship of the raffle committee gets a priority bullet SO DOES THIS.

8. Knit stuff.  I have a sweatervest for myself on needles, a pair of socks (two at a time! Awesome) for me, a pair for Eddie, and a random hat that might go in the raffle.  I'm a little ADD with knitting right now, and I'm totally fine with that.

9. Give notice on my apartment.  Like selling my car, this will likely happen when I get back from the college reunion trip back East.

10. Choose a fucking moving company.  I think I've done this, actually.  It's just... committing.  I think I need to get them out to my place for a more accurate weight estimate of my shit.  And then give them an obscene amount of money in spite of all the horror stories I've heard about hellish moving companies going back to before the dawn of time.

10a. try not to swear so much.

11. Call my mother.  It's a low priority because, frankly, I talk to her all the time lately.

12. Try to sleep better.  And also not look like a panicked maniac.

12a. Less sugar would probably help with the sleeping bit.

13. Get my car sold, stuff packed, stuff loaded, say good-bye here, go home and visit  the fam, fly to New York, pick up the keys to the new place, get stuff unloaded, unpacked and sorted in New York, and start the new job.

Lucky number 13.

I have no witty anecdote with which to end this post.  So.  *end*

ETA: okay, no wait, here's a good final image: I'm walking so fast now, that my normal stride has lengthened and sped up such that I can make the length of the Chemistry hallway in 0.43 seconds flat (not really.)  This has the effect of letting me overtake 6'4", confused-looking undergraduates at such a clip that they actually yield the space rather than ask me for directions.  Further, my normal gait has a fair amount of hip-swing in it, right?  So not only does my lab coat billow out behind me as I'm flying down the hall, it also swishes from side to side as it billows.  I am this close to being an evil arch nemisis person in some crazy ass sci fi movie.

traveling boston/new york, california

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